What is the matter with my head?!

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Feb 17, 2006
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Well here's the deal. Growing up I've always had thin soft really blond hair that never had any problems other than some of the haircuts I was given haha. Well towards the end of last year the sides of my head became really itchy. When I would look at my scalp there was nothing on it or wrong with it at all. No bumps,flaking, or redness. I am really confused as to what is going on with my head. I thought it might be my shampoo so I switched to baby shampoo. Didn't work. I'm really just so done having an itchy head and not knowing what's the matter. Sometimes I think that it's my blow dryer but I have always blow dried my hair and never had a single problem. maybe I'll just try letting my hair air dry and see if it goes away. uggh does anyone have any ideas?!

It could be headlice, anyone can get them.. it dosen't matter how clean you are either. Hope you find out what it is! x

I would see a dermatologist to get an evaluation.. It might be exzema or another skin condition causing the itch. You might be allergic to something...

i agree, you should see the doc. if nothing is medically wrong, it could be nerves. are you under stress? stress can do a number on ya.

I agree as well to go see your Doctor.It could be eczema, a type of dermatitis, hard water, product etc.

usually if its an allergic reaction you see something. thats kind of

odd that nothing is there. i would go see a dermatologist to find

out what the problem is

def not head lice or excema. I have known someone with excema and it's not the kind of itch that I rip skin and it makes sores. Head lice creates little things on your head and in your hair line that are very visable and spreads easily and I'm the only one itch'n away in my house. I really think it could be hard water though. I don't have insurance so going to the derm, although it would be great, is just not possible right now. Thanks for all the help I'll let you all know if I find anything else out.

I had that problem, and now I don't! First of all I switched to Tres Emme shampoo and conditioners (pick the one that's good for your hair, I do a mix of Deep Clensing shampoo and Moisture Rich conditioner, this mix is really good on my thick wavy hair!).

But what you need to try (especially if you have long hair) is after you shampoo (making sure to get the roots too!), keep your head under the water longer and make sure all of your head is very clean, sometimes shampoo bubbles will stay in there. Then when you condition (if you want) flip your head over and apply the conditioner like that, still making sure to get all the parts, leave it in for the normal amount of time, and rinse it out - just like with the shampoo, you have to make sure you get it all out of there!

My mistake was thinking that my hair was supposed to stay completely smooth under the water after conditioning, to feel confident it was working properly. But that's not the case particularly - it's more important to make sure that you have all product cleared out of your head. When you think its all out, rinse a little longer

Hopefully this was helpful - and I certainly hope you get the problem fixed!!

Forgot to add, I live with hard water! - but I never blow dry my hair, don't even own one! So you may want to attempt to let it air dry!

Psoriasis can cause the itching too. I have had this problem too. It was caused from nerves like the post before said. An other stylist introduced me to Nioxin Cleanser and Scalp treatment and haven't had the problem in years.


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