What have you done to your mailman?!

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Lacquer Lackey
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
Lately I have noticed a trend in comments about how we react and treat our mailman, FedEx person, UPS person, etc. Since so many of us have become so close with our mail person because we constantly order beauty products online I thought it might be fun to share some of those stories. Are you two best friends? Does he run in fear when he sees you coming? Do you swap Christmas cards?

Mail service is pretty bad where I live and we had a mailman in the past that only delivered to us every few days, lost utility bills, threw away our mail, etc. Needless to say after many complaints (from me and others) and a lot of proof he was fired. Our new guy delivers everyday and goes out of his way to bring stuff to the door.  He has gotten used to (or at least tolerates) me high tailing it to the mailbox when I see him with packages.  I only know him casually but I have started leaving him cookies and muffins on holidays to thank him for delivering to my door.

I did manage to trip quite unattractively while holding my Ipsy mailer last month and the mailer flew and landed back at his feet. He made a comment about me not wanting my mail while I turned 22 shades of red.

So tell us, what have you done to your mailman?

I live in an apartment building, and we have lobby mailboxes, so I never see him or her deliver the mail. As for couriers, (UPS, FedEx, TnT, Purolator) unfortunately I am snarky with them because of "all-of-a-sudden, out-of-the-blue" CoD charges I am expected to pay. Even though I already paid for shipping. I know you're not supposed to shoot the messenger, they're employees like everyone else, but delivery charges makes me want to.

My mailman is pretty cool. We exchange Christmas gifts and have met up with his family at dog beach. He has a cute bulldog. He brought me back a bunch of goodies from his trip to the Philippines. I leave him bottled bottled water every day. He has a lot of health issues, heart disease, brain tumor, and diabetes.  

I never really see my mail woman because our neighborhood mailboxes are clustered and not individual, and she also delivers the mail before I get home from uni.

The UPS guy that works my neighborhood creeps me out - I pretty much cringe every time I'm expecting a package via them and I won't open the door to collect my package until I see the truck drive out of sight. The first time I ever answered the door he pretty much invited himself into the house. It was a medium sized package no more than 10-15 lbs, which I am more than capable of taking in myself, but he insisted on carrying it inside for me and shoved his way past me and into the house, didn't stop and just put the box down near the door - he practically gave himself a tour of the entire first floor of my house. He's also winked at me and told me he'd ~see me later and whatnot, which may generally be harmless enough, but after him barging into my home uninvited, I've just been wary of him.

Love our mailman. His name is Bill. He's been our mailman since 2004 when moved into our previous house. When we moved to our current house - same neighborhood just a few blocks away from our old one - he remained our mailman. This was the first year we gave him a gift card (to Starbucks) because he's such a fantastic mailman.

Originally Posted by Totem /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My mailman is pretty cool. We exchange Christmas gifts and have met up with his family at dog beach. He has a cute bulldog. He brought me back a bunch of goodies from his trip to the Philippines. I leave him bottled bottled water every day. He has a lot of health issues, heart disease, brain tumor, and diabetes.  
Awww that's so sweet of you.

Originally Posted by norther /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I never really see my mail woman because our neighborhood mailboxes are clustered and not individual, and she also delivers the mail before I get home from uni.

The UPS guy that works my neighborhood creeps me out - I pretty much cringe every time I'm expecting a package via them and I won't open the door to collect my package until I see the truck drive out of sight. The first time I ever answered the door he pretty much invited himself into the house. It was a medium sized package no more than 10-15 lbs, which I am more than capable of taking in myself, but he insisted on carrying it inside for me and shoved his way past me and into the house, didn't stop and just put the box down near the door - he practically gave himself a tour of the entire first floor of my house. He's also winked at me and told me he'd ~see me later and whatnot, which may generally be harmless enough, but after him barging into my home uninvited, I've just been wary of him.
That would give me the willies. I would have probably reported that because he has no right to enter without permission. Maybe you will get a new UPS guy soon.

idk about the usps lady...she's always around at different times...but the UPS guy is super cool and he got a xmas card from us 

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by norther /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I never really see my mail woman because our neighborhood mailboxes are clustered and not individual, and she also delivers the mail before I get home from uni.

The UPS guy that works my neighborhood creeps me out - I pretty much cringe every time I'm expecting a package via them and I won't open the door to collect my package until I see the truck drive out of sight. The first time I ever answered the door he pretty much invited himself into the house. It was a medium sized package no more than 10-15 lbs, which I am more than capable of taking in myself, but he insisted on carrying it inside for me and shoved his way past me and into the house, didn't stop and just put the box down near the door - he practically gave himself a tour of the entire first floor of my house. He's also winked at me and told me he'd ~see me later and whatnot, which may generally be harmless enough, but after him barging into my home uninvited, I've just been wary of him.
That would give me the willies. I would have probably reported that because he has no right to enter without permission. Maybe you will get a new UPS guy soon.

I'm with D on this. Report him because that's not only creepy but illegal to enter someone else's home without permission.
Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm with D on this. Report him because that's not only creepy but illegal to enter someone else's home without permission.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Awww that's so sweet of you.

That would give me the willies. I would have probably reported that because he has no right to enter without permission. Maybe you will get a new UPS guy soon.
I was totally ready to whack him over the head with the TV remote. I considered reporting it but I decided to let it go unless it happened again. Since I haven't answered the door since then, it hasn't lol. I hope we get a new guy soon, but I'm not holding my breath.

I've never had a problem with a mailman until recently.  We just moved into our new home in November.  I made sure I updated all our info with the USPS, got the notifications that the switch had been made, and then waited 
.......and waited 
......and waited 
.  Over 2 weeks had passed and still no mail.  So, my husband left a note in our mailbox asking why we werent getting mail.  Then this appeared from our mail carrier.

So, we fill it out and leave it in our mailbox.  This was the nasty gram that she left for us.....

Alrighty.......you're gonna play that game, huh?  Setting things up with the USPS is not good enough?  Alrighty.  You want the vacant card filled out with names?  This was our response to others mail that was sent to us including junk mail.  Anything that had a name that was not included in our "vacant card" got stamped with this....

And nicely left in our mailbox for the snotty carrier to take back.  Well, she didnt like it and left this note (Our final response is written below)....

The junk mail has stopped but there is also mail that has not been forwarded.  My sister got several birthday cards and christmas cards returned to her as "undeliverable" so I can only imagine what else has failed to reach our door.  Part of me wants to take these correspondence to the post office but honestly, I dont think they'd give a rats butt.  Anyone else have a horrible delivery person?

Wow! What a witch! sorry if the word offends anyone...but that's the only way I can think of calling your mail lady lol

Originally Posted by beautymadn3ss /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow! What a witch! sorry if the word offends anyone...but that's the only way I can think of calling your mail lady lol

I've called her that word MANY times over the last 2 months so I'm not offended in the least bit.  Truly, if you don't like your job, quit and be a Wal-Mart greeter.  Then again, she's not much of a "people person" so maybe an overnight stocker who doesn't have to come in contact with the public.  Needless to say, she didn't get a gift card at Christmas lol. 

Originally Posted by beautymadn3ss /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ya she wouldn't deserve a Christmas card...she deserved a bag of coal! haha
Wow, I can't believe that. you should stake her out one day, lmao. I work in customer service so to see someone act so terribly in customer service job with like no customer contact, it really pisses me off. & then she'll wonder why she loses her job when they close her post office down since the usps is failing. *sigh* what a grouch!

Originally Posted by kikikinzz /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've never had a problem with a mailman until recently.  We just moved into our new home in November.  I made sure I updated all our info with the USPS, got the notifications that the switch had been made, and then waited 
.......and waited 
......and waited 
.  Over 2 weeks had passed and still no mail.  So, my husband left a note in our mailbox asking why we werent getting mail.  Then this appeared from our mail carrier.

So, we fill it out and leave it in our mailbox.  This was the nasty gram that she left for us.....

Alrighty.......you're gonna play that game, huh?  Setting things up with the USPS is not good enough?  Alrighty.  You want the vacant card filled out with names?  This was our response to others mail that was sent to us including junk mail.  Anything that had a name that was not included in our "vacant card" got stamped with this....

And nicely left in our mailbox for the snotty carrier to take back.  Well, she didnt like it and left this note (Our final response is written below)....

The junk mail has stopped but there is also mail that has not been forwarded.  My sister got several birthday cards and christmas cards returned to her as "undeliverable" so I can only imagine what else has failed to reach our door.  Part of me wants to take these correspondence to the post office but honestly, I dont think they'd give a rats butt.  Anyone else have a horrible delivery person?
Please report her. She's breaking the law by not delivering the mail. If the local post office won't do anything take it to the local media.

lmao stake her out! and I know where you're coming from, once you work in cs and learn how things should be done...you see ppl making mistakes everywhere!!!

My father is a mail carrier and has been for at least a decade. Nice customers make a world of difference! I know this because he was always in a good mood if the customers on his mail route gave him a bottle of water or some sort of beverage. When I was living at home, it was a never-ending stream of free water bottles, beverages, baked goods, boxes of chocolate, food in general & gift certificates around the holidays and produce (he delivered mail to restaurants and they gave him veggies they were in excess of). 

So because I have a mail carrier dad, I make sure to give our mail carrier water when I can and smile and say hello whenever I see him.

Please report her. She's breaking the law by not delivering the mail. If the local post office won't do anything take it to the local media.
Isn't the USPS a government agency? I would take those forms/notes to the nearest USPS office and file a complaint.
Originally Posted by starryeyed /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My father is a mail carrier and has been for at least a decade. Nice customers make a world of difference! I know this because he was always in a good mood if the customers on his mail route gave him a bottle of water or some sort of beverage. When I was living at home, it was a never-ending stream of free water bottles, beverages, baked goods, boxes of chocolate, food in general & gift certificates around the holidays and produce (he delivered mail to restaurants and they gave him veggies they were in excess of). 

So because I have a mail carrier dad, I make sure to give our mail carrier water when I can and smile and say hello whenever I see him.
That's sweet. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm really close with my mailman, his name is Doug and we always exchange presents for Christmas :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

He knows I travel a lot so whenever I'm out of the country he would hold my mail past the maximum allowed 30 days without any extra charges. He also takes any UPS/FedEx packages and slips from the front door and and puts them into my USPS basket when I'm away so that nobody steals my stuff.

I also have his personal cell phone number if I ever need to contact him about anything. I feel like I always get VIP service! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
