I've read the info on Vaseline being dangerous and unhealthy for the skin. I've also read how it's great for the skin as a moisturizer. Vaseline for most people is a great product for moisturizing the skin as well as for protecting it against the harsh winter elements.
I remember in high school watching a gorgeous A/A Female slather it on her face neck and hands daily in first period. Her skin as well as her sister's was flawless. These girls were flawless. Their mother was flawless. She owned and operated a beauty and charm school. Then I began to notice more and more beauties using it in the same manner. Prior to then I was only familiar with it being used for burns, chapped lips etc...(my mother was a nurse and kept it for those purposes).
A little over a year ago my skin completely betrayed me in a manner that it had never done so before that I can recall. It became dry, chaffed, chapped, and blemish prone like crazy. Lips were literally peeling several times a day which went far beyond a chapped state, my feet were consistently cracking, and I had dry patches here and there randomly scattered over my body. With all of that going on my face had the unmitigated gull to ferociously break out. All over. Not at once but in shifts. As one area was barely going away ( not clearing up because practically every bump made certain to "leave" it's mark in the form of scarring!) OK. I'm 40 something years old and never had this type of thing happen before. My teenage kids weren't fighting acne but now I have to? I thought at this stage in life my thing to fight would be like wrinkles, lines, age spots. Nope. Acne and Acne Spots. Dry and acne prone, I thought that was an oxymoron. Obviously not. Well. I stopped using all of the ridiculously priced products that I had purchased which was most every popular brand from Department stores and Drug stores. This is from someone who never really had a bought with acne prior to this period of time so understand that I was seriously anxious about this because each round of breakouts were leaving scars and I've always had clear skin, until roughly a year ago. People I bought machines, creams, 2 steps 3 steps every concoction going to get rid of stains (on the face) and blah blah blah. Then I began to consider ordering either proactive or murad, a couple of conversations with a few people is what I think dissuaded me from making that investment. Well, glad I did because here I am just about two and a half to three months later after ditching everything but Apple Cider Vinegar and Green Tea (about half and half combo) as a toner and cleanser in combination with Vaseline as a moisturizer/cleanser/makeup remover. Results: Skin is completely even toned, no blemishes and haven't any scarring or spotting left. Skin looks great. Glows. I'll actually go out without makeup and truly don't need foundation. The vaseline was a big part of it because its been the only moisturizer that hasn't broken me out. Ever. Im 45 but always mistaken for 20 something. Genes are a big part of it because I never used a moisturizer until about 40 and low and behold everyone broke me out. Not Vaseline. I tried the Jojoba oil, that broke me out and quite honestly so did Vitamin E oil yet Vaseline never has and I must say that since I am 40 something I've decided to use preventative measures to retain the physical fortune that I have (youthful looks) and so far looks like Vaseline and Apple Cider Vinegar with Green Tea mixed in it will be staples.