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Jan 22, 2008
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I hope i put this in the right place

Well im in need of a bit of advice....

Ok i have naturally curly hair..... very very curly.... and its poofy.... but its pretty..

I have had perms(to make it straight) ever since i was like 12.. and im now about to be 21.... i have not permed my hair since June '07 .. and its growing out...soo its mostly curly and the ends are straight...

i mostly blow dry,flat iron and then put it in a pony tail... or i wash it leave it curly then have to throw it in a pony tail when it dries cause it starts to get puffy

I love the curly hair but its soo hard to manage it and its fairly new to me.. cause now is when its become more difficult and what not

Everyone tells me its super pretty and what not.. but i dont know how to get it not to get soo puffy.....

The last week im like darn it im just gonna perm it i cant take this anymore lol

Soo does anyone have any ideas about what i should do??


I have said it before and I'll say it again, go to Naturally Curly! I use the same username over there. My curly hair was a mess before I found that site. I wear my hair curly every day now. I learned tons of information from their forums, from finding the right products, to how to apply products, how to detangle without damaging my hair, etc. Too much for me to explain in one post. My hair used to be a frizzy mess, but here it is now. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture. I think I have some better ones somewhere, but I am too lazy to look.


Yello, the way you described how you manage your hair is the same, exact way I do mines. Weird! Haha.

I'm not 100% okay with me going all naturally curly... I just don't like how it looks, especially it being shorter now. The only thing the hairstylist told me to use was moose and that hair wax crap, the name escapes me right now.

My hair looks like internet chicks when I'm out the shower and for an hour afterward. After that, if I don't add no leave-in-conditioner... the poof will just grow, caca!

I have natural curls too... I would def. try different products just for curly hair. Also I notice that ifI dont blow dry my hair and go to bed with it damp I wake up with big pretty opposed ot the blow dryer /diffuser way where it looks less soft

My hair is quite a bit longer than you can see in the pic. I am not crazy about my hair short and curly as well, so I keep mine long. If you ever do decide to go curly, I can't recommend the site enough. There are plenty of women with hair curlier than mine there.

i would say dont perm it, and go to that forum to learn how to ake it look even better curly

cause it looks beautiful when you straighten it. but i dont think you should damage it with a perm

Originally Posted by internetchick /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have said it before and I'll say it again, go to Naturally Curly! I use the same username over there. My curly hair was a mess before I found that site. I wear my hair curly every day now. I learned tons of information from their forums, from finding the right products, to how to apply products, how to detangle without damaging my hair, etc. Too much for me to explain in one post. My hair used to be a frizzy mess, but here it is now. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture. I think I have some better ones somewhere, but I am too lazy to look.

do you have a link?
Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif do you have a link? Yeah, in my post if you click on the underlined words Naturally Curly it takes you to the forum. You could also Google Naturally Curly and follow the Curl Talk link in their site to get to the forums.
Originally Posted by internetchick /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have said it before and I'll say it again, go to Naturally Curly! I use the same username over there. My curly hair was a mess before I found that site. I wear my hair curly every day now. I learned tons of information from their forums, from finding the right products, to how to apply products, how to detangle without damaging my hair, etc. Too much for me to explain in one post. My hair used to be a frizzy mess, but here it is now. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture. I think I have some better ones somewhere, but I am too lazy to look.

THANK YOU!! i hope this solves my curly hair mess.. lol..and as soon as it starts too look decent i will post pics!!

Can't wait to see! When I first got to that site I was in awe of just how gorgeous some of the women's hair is.


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