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Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Our parents were friends and we've known each other our whole lives. We went to school and rode the bus together. We had crushes on each other but never were more than friends. I got married very young and moved off. I didn't see Chris for many years and heard he married a girl named Lisa. hehe I was in an abusive relationship for 9 years and finally got the balls to leave. Chris' ex ended up leaving him for her boss and this was shortly after I had left my ex. We started talking again and one thing led to another and now we've been together for 4 years, married 3.
How big is the town you live in?

Interesting story Lisa!

Population of about 50000.

What is your eye color?

I'm not a real collector of handbags, probably under twenty.

Do you prefer to create your own style (in makeup or fashion) or follow the styles of other fashionable people that you like?

Mostly I wear what I feel comfortable in, and stuff that I feel that looks good on me. I ask people close to me for opinions on whether something looks good on me. I would follow other fashionable people only if they look somewhat like me (height, skin tone, etc).

What kind of clothes do you wear the most - jeans, track pants, shorts, skirts?

A perpetual state of goofiness.

What book are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?

Harry Potter and the half blood prince (again)

How many languages do you speak?

can i answer my own question? i liked this game!!

4 languages

how far away from cows do you live ?

LMAO! pretty far! unless you count the wild cows around Big White Ski Resort.. than about 50 km

What colors did you use in your living room decor?
