those get something free things, then you have to fill out a billion referrals that are refered to as "terms" , but you never actually finish, even if you do purchase something. I wonder why they even allow that stuff. havent tried it in over ayear or two, now.... have you ever won big at the casino?
Our parents were friends and we've known each other our whole lives. We went to school and rode the bus together. We had crushes on each other but never were more than friends. I got married very young and moved off. I didn't see Chris for many years and heard he married a girl named Lisa. hehe I was in an abusive relationship for 9 years and finally got the balls to leave. Chris' ex ended up leaving him for her boss and this was shortly after I had left my ex. We started talking again and one thing led to another and now we've been together for 4 years, married 3.