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Because everyone here is so nice and because we talk about my favorite subject .. Makeup

whose your favorite band

Right now its gotta be U2. I get to see them on Tuesday and I am freaking excited!

Who is your fave singer?

ooh exciting I like U2 too!! have fun

umm i have to pick just one.. well I really like Tim McGraw and I've been madly in love with him since I was six.. lol

Whose you're celebrity crush

hayden christensen :icon_love thats anakin from star wars ep 2 & 3

whats your favourite movie?

(i think someone asked this not too long ago)

eckhart tolle - the power of now

what household chore do you hate the most?

Microsoft crap...

What household chore do you like?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Mopping.
What are some other screen names you use or have used in the past?

2 years ago.

Do you get motion sickness?
