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I dunno. I don't feel like cooking tonight so we'll probably go out. I wouldn't mind having a juicy hamburger from Fuddruckers. Mmmm!

Do you do any impersonations? If so, who do you impersonate?


What are you favorite pair of jeans

Originally Posted by bocagirl Nope
What's your favorite city?

an old pair of Lee's

Do you 'dress up' every day?


yes, cause I wear sport shoes

Did you ever fall, because you was wearing high heels?

I have got to fill in a some paper work

Which country don`t you like or would you never go to?

i love travel so i dont know if there is a country id never want to go to... there are countries im not to keen on though, mainly for political reasons. no offense anyone but ill have to say america.

what is your favourite fruit?
