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Thanks... I love mine too! I will start another thread and have people post their pics.

My first car was a 1991 Ford Tempo. It was such a clunker.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Originally Posted by Marisol Thanks... I love mine too! I will start another thread and have people post their pics.
My first car was a 1991 Ford Tempo. It was such a clunker.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

In the US, Boston, to be close to my beloved Sox :icon_love Worldwide, that's hard considering I've never left the country, but I'd say Ireland, Scotland, or England....any of those 'lands' would be dandy with me!

What's your 'comfort' food? (like pb&j, mac&cheese, etc)

Originally Posted by Marisol Sunflower seeds... i love them!

What is/was your best subject in school?

English - according to the ACT and SAT anyways. I am a complete slacker in that class, in fact I am supposed to be working on an essay right now! So I bid you good night, Marisol, try to get some beauty sleep tonight with our late-nighter yesterday! Ha, I know I need mine, I've got lovely red-rimmed eyes

Next question though...

Do you have a totally secret and private passion?

Yes, but I can't share what it is.

If you could leave for an all expense paid vacation right now, where would you want to go?

A vet.

what is your first pet?

Originally Posted by yazzy "I like that old time rock n roll"

What did you wanna be growing up?


Yes keychains.. and rocks.. yes i know I'm a nerd.. I'll accept that..

Do you have a secret dream?

Yes - it's a secret!

Have you ever avoided someone just because you weren't in the mood?

Yes.. all of the time. It happens a lot when I see people that I went to high school with. I don't have the time or desire to make small talk with them. If I really cared for them, then I would have kept in touch.

Did you drink any alcohol tonight?


Do you have a camera phone?

Originally Posted by Marisol Yes.. all of the time. It happens a lot when I see people that I went to high school with. I don't have the time or desire to make small talk with them. If I really cared for them, then I would have kept in touch.
Did you drink any alcohol tonight?


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