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i want to be a famous, rich person for a day or week to see how they live. especially people like paris hilton or jessica simpson. all they do is shop! lol

what famous person would you like to be?

Carmen Electra. (Don't ask why b/c I can't tell that in here.)

What's the most expensive thing you've ever purchased?

My car... its a 2003 Volkswagen Golf that I bought two years ago. Still paying for it

Have you ever stolen anything... if so, what was it?

I've never stolen anything or even been tempted to.

Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by flirting with an officer?

yes... I always wanted to go on Press Your Luck. I did go to a taping of the Price is right back in 97.

What do you fear?

Originally Posted by Marisol My car... its a 2003 Volkswagen Golf that I bought two years ago. Still paying for it
You have a Golf? Aw, I want one SOOO bad!

I fear heights and spiders, and most of all, failure

What was your dream about last night?

my family in Mexico. It sucks that I only see them twice a year or so.

Where do you wish you could be?

Originally Posted by Marisol my family in Mexico. It sucks that I only see them twice a year or so.
Where do you wish you could be?

Somewhere in Europe, like England or Ireland...away from SCHOOL! lol
What's your favorite ice cream?

Originally Posted by Divaofreality One of my goal is to be a mommy.
What is your next purchase going to be?

Don't tempt me, Diva! LOL, I want to get a navy eyeliner and the Tutti Frutti Colour Juice...I'm trying to be good here
But my wishlist is about 5 feet long

What is your favorite perfume?

Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue ... a close second is MAC's Turquatic.

Most annoying habit?

Originally Posted by Marisol Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue ... a close second is MAC's Turquatic.
Most annoying habit?

I just got Light Blue for my bday and I LOVE it! It is kinda 'sharp' on me at first though, is that how it is with you?
Um, when I am asked questions that are a bit uncomfortable, or I am trying to get out of saying something, I answer really vaguely. That drives by best friend CRAZY! I can't help it though

Do watch late night talk shows?

nope I don't.

(about Light Blue, I really liked it right away. Funny story about this perfume: I was at a bar once a this guy walked by me and stopped and asked me if I was wearing Light Blue. I said no... I am wearing Ralph Lauren's Blue... He sort of smiled and walked away. The next day I walked into Sephora and and smelled Light Blue. Fell in love with it... the perfume, not the boy

What are your hobbies?

Originally Posted by Marisol nope I don't.

(about Light Blue, I really liked it right away. Funny story about this perfume: I was at a bar once a this guy walked by me and stopped and asked me if I was wearing Light Blue. I said no... I am wearing Ralph Lauren's Blue... He sort of smiled and walked away. The next day I walked into Sephora and and smelled Light Blue. Fell in love with it... the perfume, not the boy

What are your hobbies?

Awesome story! I have heard it's a boy magnet

I play tennis, and I like to shop (is that a real hobby, lol?), bike, talk on MUT of course, and I am in several service clubs at school. I want to learn to be a better cook as well. I can't think of anything else at the moment, its kinda my bedtime!

Do you faint at the sight of blood or surgical procedures?

I don't faint at the sight of blood but I cannot watch surgical procedures. They freak me out. I was an avid ER fan but whenever it got too detailed, I closed my eyes.

Any regrets?

Originally Posted by Marisol I don't faint at the sight of blood but I cannot watch surgical procedures. They freak me out. I was an avid ER fan but whenever it got too detailed, I closed my eyes.
Any regrets?

A few. But I've ended up here in life, and I can't go back, so all I can do is learn from mistakes and move on. I don't like to dwell in the past, it depresses me.
What was your first car? (totally jealous of your VW GOlf, btw! I <3 those:icon_love )


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