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< loves roller coasters, but not upside down ones

^ make sure you hold your hands up high (even though the signs say not to) and scream with with all your might!!!

^ wants to shave his head bald and grow a goatee

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) < says Big thunder is a roller coaster and a fast one
< knows LL is all talk

^ Isn't all talk? LOL

^ what is there to do in Wisconsin, will he still log on and play with us?

< no freaking way will she shave her head, it will all grow in GREY!!! (gray) sp.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) < will be in Wisconsin for a week starting Friday
^ wants to shave her head also!

LOL ^, "shook the Charlie"?!

^ took Charlie (the real sex doll) with him to Disneyland and shook him.

Yikes! I had totally missed that thread, ^. Thanx, for leading me in the right direction to thank, Laura.

< may have received one but didn't see it because the email I signed up with is not my primary email and I forget to check it alot. Speaking of that,

^, is there a way to not get tons and tons of messages in my email from everytime someone replies to one of my posts? That's another reason I haven't been checking that email because the last time I did I had like 500 new messages.


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