Of course, it also depends how you use and store them.
Be careful with that shadow though. Mine reeks of black pepper and Stila's shadows do not smell at all so I know mine has gone bad. The Stila rep said to throw it away, don't use it. While I too have products that are expired (like my Revlon shadow in Coffee Bean) when I bought the items it was new and I allowed the item to expired before using it up so for me that's the difference - I don't want discontinued/expired products sent to me as new. When people sign up for these beauty box companies - be it Birchbox, The Look Bag, Sample Society, Ipsy - they're expecting NEW products not expired. When Birchbox had the Befine expired products back in April the fault was with Befine (which I came to find out who at Befine was responsible and had previously sent out expired product so that person was removed from his position at Befine). In TLB case they're not working with Stila directly and used a 3rd party vendor so they're the ones who will pay the price for the expired shadow unless they can get their vendor to refund them the money from this loss.Originally Posted by spmblueeyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just came on to post the email I got but looks like I got beat! lol. I have tons of shadows that have expired, so for me its nbd. Normally, I wouldn't pay that much for a single shadow anyway so it gives me a chance to try something I normally wouldn't buy. I got expired moisturizer from BB, and they didn't refund. They gave points, but didn't refund any money or replace the product. I might stick around for the replacement, until I have a bad experience I give places a try. Plus I might have $20 freeing up soon since my second BB STILL hasn't shipped, I've had a tracking number in the acct since the 10th which doesn't update at all "not in the system" and although when my email was finally answered they gave me 100 points AND comped my next box, my question of WILL I GET MY BB THIS MONTH still wasn't answered. I'm thinking I won't be getting it since they comped my next box, but dammit, that was the box I was looking forward to out of the two that I was getting. And I emailed back, still nothing. So I may be canceling both my BB subscriptions end of this month.
You're right that no longer manufactured does not mean expired. But that stila shadow is, in fact, expired according to a stila representative, it stopped being manufactured 3 years ago.Originally Posted by Scooby384 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No longer being manufactured does not = expired.
I think it's funny how people are completely ripping BB over their teeny-tiny samples this month, and then also completely ripping TLB for sending Full Sized Products (excluding the shadow in this point) that they might not be able to repurchase.
I totally get it to an extent. The crackle apparently can't be bought, OK. So when you manage to use your entire bottle of black crackle polish up, I'm sure you'll be able to find another black crackle that works pretty much the same. The lip balm is being sold on The Look Store site. The Pixi is at Target. The only thing that I might have purchased from this bag (since it WAS only a sample size) was the Freeman.
Keep your Birchboxes if you want to try a 2 use sample, and then buy the FS off the site. I prefer the large items that I won't NEED to repurchase. If I ever use them up, I'll just find something else I like.
I wasn't talking about the shadow, as I said in the post. I was referring to the others.Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're right that no longer manufactured does not mean expired. But that stila shadow is, in fact, expired according to a stila representative, it stopped being manufactured 3 years ago.
It's not about repurchasing. It's about sending out an expired product. I use products like shadows after their expiration dates if there is no change in texture/color, smell...but sending out an expired product like that in a service like this is a problem, period. People have every right to be upset.
ThisOriginally Posted by zatanna /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I may be in the minority, but I don't generally care either way whether a product is discontinued or not, and I don't feel that it's a 'failing' in a bag/company, although I can definitely see how this would lead some people to unsubscribe if it's a pattern. For me personally, I am just looking for a fun, random surprise additions to my stash, not long-term use products. I research and choose those pretty carefully so if it randomly showed as a sample in a box, rad, but I definitely not expect it.
To be honest, I would rather have a full/large size dc item than a sample of a $75 face cleanser that I would never buy in a million years. I can see how it could work either way depending on the reasons someone subscribes to a service.
My original email to them:After further investigation it has come to our attention that the Look Bag was not sanctioned with our approval to use this item. We are in the process of contacting the Look Bag regarding the misuse of our products. Please do not use the item that you have received from the Look Bag.
I received from The Look Bag (a monthly subscription service like MyGlam/Ipsy) the Freeman Beautiful Body cucumber, melon and ginseng lathering body wash. I've been wondering if it was discontinued, if so when? Does it expire or has it expired?
Yep, they are, it seems, a legit company, they should be able to put out a legit bag.Originally Posted by nelliebelle1197 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know, I get why people are upset. This pretty much puts the Look Bag in the same boat as the Red Carpet Box. The Look Bag is associated with the Look Store, which apparently boasts Jane freakin' Fonda's beauty picks. They have relationships with companies and sell products. The disconnect with the Look Bag is that there is no reflection of what is sold in the Look Store. It's basically RCB with a better website
A follow up to The Look Bag October products Last Friday I found out from Stila that the Stila eye shadow that The Look Bag sent out was indeed expired. The Look Bag is aware of the problem and is probably working with their vendor on the matter. Today I heard back from Pixi Beauty and Freeman Beauty twice. I have yet to hear from Lotta Luv or Pop Beauty (but again I'm not worried about the nail polish since nail polish typically does not go bad but it can).
My original email to Freeman Beauty.
Quote: I received from The Look Bag (a monthly subscription service like MyGlam/Ipsy) the Freeman Beautiful Body cucumber, melon and ginseng lathering body wash. I've been wondering if it was discontinued, if so when? Does it expire or has it expired?
Their first reply:
My reply to their first reply:Thank you for contacting Freeman Beauty Labs. We love hearing from fans like you who have fallen in love with our products!
Freeman is constantly researching the latest and greatest ingredients for our formulas, and we’re always looking to grow our line of products to provide our customers with products they’ll love.
Unfortunately, the product you’re inquiring about has been discontinued, and we have depleted our inventory. But, we are positive you can find amazing Freeman products that will make you -- and your skin -- just as happy.
Please visit our website at to view our entire range of products that care for you from head to toe (and that includes your hair!). And, for the most up-to-date details on our newest products, you can like our page at
The symbol, along with the amount of time, is indicated with an open jar image. This image can be located at the lower right side of Freeman products.
The useful lifetime of a product is indicated by a number, followed by an M to represent months. In the example, “24M†indicates that the product has a lifetime use of up to 24 months after opening for the first time.
Thank you for being a fan of Freeman!
Freeman Beauty Labs
Their second reply:Unfortunately the packet I received of your body wash does not have a = date stamp on it. There is an embossing of what I believe is a lot # - 100404.
Pixi Beauty replied to my inquiry and stated that the product was not expired but did not state if they're working TLB or not. So the Pixi Beauty Lip and Line Primer is fine to use.After further investigation it has come to our attention that the Look Bag was not sanctioned with our approval to use this item. We are in the process of contacting the Look Bag regarding the misuse of our products. Please do not use the item that you have received from the Look Bag.
So what does this all mean to The Look Bag and you?
First of all, my intent on contacting these other companies was not to destroy The Look Bag or to score free products. As a beauty blogger who specializes in beauty boxes my objective is to bring to you - my readers - information so YOU'RE informed. What you do with that information is up to you.
I don't believe that the people at The Look Bag were out to scam people. I know that a representative from TLB with whom I spoke to on Friday stated that they were unaware of the problems since they got it from a 3rd party vendor. Who that 3rd party vendor is I don't know. They should be working directly with the companies because buying from those companies ensures products won't necessarily be expired or discontinued. Yes, even companies make mistakes such as in the case of Birchbox and BeFine back in April but when something like expired products are sent out then by working with the manufacturer replacement items can be secured at the cost of the manufacturer versus out of their own pocket. In the case with TLB it's highly possible that they will be out the money depending on their 3rd party vendor.
The other problem with working with a 3rd party vendor is that there is the risk of counterfeit products being sent out such as in the case of Posh Pod which sent out counterfeit products because their 3rd party vendor was EBay sellers. Red Carpet Bag also has sent out discontinued products and possibly counterfeit items since they seem to have procured items from EBay as well.
Would I sign back up with The Look Bag down the road? Probably not. I did say on my Facebook last Friday if you got expired products to get a refund from TLB and that's up to you to pursue. Whether you want to cancel your subscription is also up to you. Personally I have cancelled my account because I said when I signed up that I would give them one last chance.