The cutest+funniest cats!!!!! forums

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That I'm in your fridge one - I got that in an email a while ago and I swear I laughed for about 10 minutes!! Everyone at work didn't find it funny they just thought I was daft for sending it round!!

I also laughed my arse off at techno cat - the way he jumps to the front - still makes me titter!!

and metal cats

cute !! the cat in the shower reminds me of my own cat, lol. a wet cat is the funniest thing ever.

LOL! I have the LOLcats application on my facebook, I love it!

I submitted a pic to them last week too

Awww, these are adorable,thanks, you guys!(And Andi for her pics and thinkng up the thread!)I just want all these cats to pounce off the screen into my lap!(or my cleavage?
) I agree wet cats are really funny,but when I was litttle,we had a Turkish cat,and those cats love the water!

It used to go in the wading pool with me, takes baths with me, even swam in a creek we stayed near one summer. And it even jumped into the shower sometimes(when my parents were in it together)which they--sort of didn't like!


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