Tangled Hair is Not a Joke- Tangled Hair Solution

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May 23, 2009
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Homemade remedies are not a solution of very tangled hair. Tangled/matted hair is a very serious issue.

There is a product on the market called the Take Down Remover Cream. That will save your hair. It de-tangles dreadlocks(strands of matted, uncombed hair)

We are so fustrated with the downplayed issue of Tangled Hair with kids, parents, longterm care patients, and women. We provide the service of detangling and advice-but it is not enough.

Pet owners have the same issue with matted pet fur.

Most hairdressers just want to cut the hair when it is serverly matted or tangled. We are trying to save hair.

We get distress calls and emails from people all over the world. They tell us that their dear hairdressers just want to cut their hair off.

Mothers don't know what to do with their daughters matted hair-that is getting worse by the day. People healing from longterm hostpital stays have the same issues.

Let people know tangled hair is not a joke- there are solutions.....start with trying the Take Down remover.


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