Believe me the last thing I want to be or want others to be are trolls. It doesn't sound nice to me. But when people get out there all the time and are negative and give a bad image of something before they even get it, it is very disheartening! As I said I am new at this sub box thing! but I checked it out fully before I decided to even get one box then two, then three. . . What I didn't count on was the people who constantly gripe and never have anything nice to say and I guess, I just got tired of it. I thought this was a forum to get out there and share what you got and be encouraging. All I have ever gotten besides just a few select people are those who constantly gripe, cut down companies etc. I love to se it when someone is happy with what they received , I spend my money like the rest of you. I am not rich, nor will I ever be here on this earth, but I also know that these companies are trying their hardest to provide the right thing, I see people get on here and list item after item they want and they can do that but can you image a company getting hundreds if not thousands of letters like that saying I want! I want! I want and know that they can't satisfy everyone. Think about that. If you don't like it, don't put the money out there, but don't constantly cut people down because they didn't listen to your little list!!! They can only do so much! You wanted chocolate, they gave you chocolate! Oh, it wast that famously expensive chocolate that you can find on fifth Ave. it a drug store brand that already millions are happy with and eat on a daily basis. Well, Popsugar says, they are willing to give us two different bags to put in each box! Wow, not one, but two and everyone will at least get some form of chocolate! That way we can provide this wanted item. But no, some want the fifth Ave. brand, but that Fifth Ave. brand won't let us have it cheap or free for our many customer. So do you provide for the few who always want the expensive stuff or for the many who are happy that they at least got chocolate???? Everyone wants everything now a day with out paying for it. Do you realize that $40 is a drop in the hat to what this box really costs???? NO!!!!! Because I have to have the best, I have to complain about everything! Nothing will make me happy unless I get Godiva! or Sees or some other expensive trinket that silver instead of gold or Gold instead of silver. Trolls don't think or care about what others feel, they just complain all the time! Go ahead and complain, I'll just bypass your gripping in the future. I will be honored to read nice comments on this site!!!!I don't think she said troll to be offensive or insulting, and I know it wasn't directed at me, but I don't think it's offensive in the slightest.Â
I'm sooo looking forward to my box !! My sis and BFF call me a gift/wrapping paper hoarder !! Lol .Smile and I love that you like the cute paper as I do too!!!!
I am quite the hoarder of awesome paper scrapbook, wrapping paper whatever paper myself and I just love, love, love the fact that they added this to our boxes. I know some of my friends and family will some times load a box with wrapping paper, ribbon, cards etc. and give it to me for Christmas! my birthday or just to give. I love getting paper and wrapping materials as a present!!! I frequently gift it myself along with stamps. I think it is one of the best presents you can gift!!!!!I'm sooo looking forward to my box !! My sis and BFF call me a gift/wrapping paper hoarder !! Lol .
Worry not .. You're not alone !! I'm looking forward to that tooThank you! I feel like I'm the only one looking forward to the wrapping paper. I mean, I know its not a $150 product but I love seeing lots of different and cool patterns under the tree. This will definitely get used.
OMG I have one of those too!!!! Lol.. I'm obsessed with collecting and using fancy gift wrapsMe too...I have a box in my room dedicated to gift wrapping supplies, so this will go right to it. Part of my fun in giving gifts is the wrapping!
This!!!! Sometimes i stop by Walgreen's after a crappy day at work. Guilt free splurge! I love Sephora and Ulta, but not for impulse buys. there is nothing better than finding an inexpensive product you love.Just chiming in to give some love for drugstore items!!! Walgreens, cvs, rite aid, I heart you. You are open all night and have fun impulse purchases. I mean sephora is nice but you can't get magazines and chocolate there. Send me a giant bag of Nivea lip balms any time, popsugar/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />