I received my box yesterday and was so disappointed! Since I knew I would be getting this box, I had tried to give myself a pep talk about it: Black and white or ivory scarf and black sunglasses - I can work with that. I can try out the sponges and the ring. I thought I would probably end up tossing the Ulta gloss and the magnetic polish.
When I opened my box there were no sponges, the scarf was black and a darker tan or khaki color, and the sunglasses were huge animal-print patterned tortoiseshell colored plastic with gold metal arms (arms?). The three white pieces on the ring were not set into the metal all the way, so they stick out unattractively. And, the polish will not mix, even though I shook it and rolled it.
Not sure if I want to keep the kimono. I have broad shoulders, so I would most likely use it as a scarf, but I worry the the arm holes will be hard to hide. I will hold it up to my skin in the light to see if it looks o.k.. Khaki is usually not my color.
I will toss the gloss and polish, since people have been saying they may be old anyway. I have three teenaged nieces, so I can send them the ring. The glasses are flimsy, gaudy and unattractive, at least on me, so I will toss them. I wish I had received the sponges so that box would have been worth a few more dollars to me.
My one positive comment about the box is that I think they did a good job with the styling advise.
I've cancelled my subscription. Other than the Posh Pod, this has got to be my most disappointing beauty box. It's sad to see a box go from an inspired vision into the junk / expired product place.