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I cant believe that. That is terrible you should definitely get a complaint in!! For the meantime until u get something sorted for your hair use deep conditioning treatments to try and make your hair soft again and i would use an antiseptic cream on the part of your head that is burt and red.

I cannot believe they would do that to your hair make you pay and let you walk out as if nothing was wrong! that angers me so much, i would demand a full refund and some extra for what theyve put you through and if they offer to sort it out for you i would refuse and get yourself to another hair dresser!

Hope you get this sorted hunni.

You need to do something sweetheart, they simply must not be allowed to get away with it. How many other people have they done this to I wonder.

Get a doctors note, Take dozens of very clear pictures, document it very well. You could sue the over this I think. They owe you your money back, not just some crappy promise that they probably won't even keep - and for that matter some kind of compensation.

I like the local press idea. I'd definately go for that!!!


You need to go ahead and tell the manaer, get repayed and after a while, maybe try to get it done at a diffrient salon due to diffrient choices and stylists.

I agree with Nury, you should not have to pay for being miserable!!!! I would have walked out of there flipping her off and tell her to pay herself.... probably.

That's disgusting, I'm so sorry this happened to you, and I agree, you definitely need to do something about it.

Oh boy! I'm so sorry. I can't believe this lady is doing hair! I'm hoping that if you do file a complaint they'll do something about it but if they managed to hire her then I'm sure they're not going to do much about it. Again, I'm sorry that happened, hopefully, you can find someone who actually knows what they're doing. Good luck!
