Quote: Originally Posted by
SebastianValois /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, I'm so, so glad there's a professional who has knowledge here! (not meant to offend anyone else, I just value people with experience).
I'm curious - I really want to purchase a whole new load of products for my beauty regime (skincare) but, I've found most high-end, luxury brands such as the ones I wish to purchase are harsh, have unnatural and possibly harmful ingredients. I'm wondering do you have any favourite skincare brands and why?
PS: I've got oily, acne-prone skin.
Thanks in advance! xx
Hi, @SebastianValois!
I understand completely the struggle to find quality skincare...unfortunately, the wide-spread problem is that their are
many differing opinions across the board on what's considered to
actually be harmful, versus those ingredients that
could be potentially harmful, or harmful if used over an extended period of time, etc.etc..
Add to that people's own personal creeds for product ingredients, or lack thereof, (no animal by-products, organic, fair-trade, etc..) and what your left with makes it nearly impossible for me to recommend a singular product or line in existence that anyone has yet to find some sort of fault with
Now that I've gotten my "disclaimer" out of the way, I can tell you with 100% confidence that, IMHO, (and anyone following this thread for a while already knows what I'm about to say lol)....Yonka is one of best skincare lines I've ever had the pleasure of working with in my 13+ years in this business..I won't go into a ton of detail here, (I'm not compensated in any way for promoting their line), but their product philosophy is based largely around aromatherapy and phytotherapy, and if your in the market for new skincare, I highy, highly recommend them..their Gel Nettoyant and Lait Nettoyant have stayed in my own personal rotation for over a decade and I truthfully don't ever see them being replaced..
Another brand that's garnered my attention as of late is Arcona..I'm a huge fan of their Cranberry Gommage and intend to try other products from the line very soon, as well..
Hope this helps!
ETA: Yonka's Pamplemousse for normal to oily skin is amazing!