Should I go for this haircolor? forums

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Feb 15, 2006
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I really want a change ... my hair has blondish/gold highlights right now and it looks really good and I'm thinking of going lighter. I could really use some opinions. I'm posting some pictures of what I look like now and what I'd like to do. I wouldn't go as light as the picture - it's just a general idea.





It would be a big change but I think it would look good. It would take some gettin use to tho after you got it done.

I think you would look great with darker hair! I'm afraid the blonde may wash you out because of your skin tone, but it's hard to tell, the camera might make your skin tone different than in real life.

i thinkk your hair is great as it is, if you really feel for a change, id say do a few chunks, and see how you like it.

it's a matter of personal taste hun. if u like it, go for it!

i was afraid of color before but when people compliment me on how lovely my hair color is, i realized that it's how i carry my look which is important.


i think it would look good on you.. you could always start with more heavy highlights that way you wont need to touch up as often.. then do more if you want later.. either way i think you can pull it off

Have you thought of doing caramel coloured highlights? It will give your hair dimension. And you have a really nice dark hair colour to pull it off. It will look HOT!


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