Should I get this cut? forums

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Dec 13, 2007
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I was in the bathroom with my friend today and we were both primping in the mirror when I realized that we have the same exact haircut!!! I don't want the same cut as her, so I'm thinking of getting a cut like this (she's Forbidden from Myspace)


I have some pics of me attaced... Should I get this cut?

Ok Im gona go out on a limb here and say I think a cut a little softer than that would suit you better. Your very pretty and I love the cut you already have, I wouldn't recommend any drastic changes. Maybe you should tell your friend to go get her hair cut instead, or do something with color or highlights?

Well, I got a similar cut to this. I went shorter, but I got more layers than that (can't help myself, I love layers!)

I couldn't really tell my friend to go get her hair cut, because she used to be the BIGGEST tomboy and I kind of "made her over", so this is a big step, and the look REALLY suits her. I thought maybe (since I kinda wanted a change anyway) I could deal with some more looks better than she can.

Okay, so the result's attached!!! =D

You are really pretty - I think you hair would look great the same style she has. But what about dye the lower/under half blond?

had to cut it anyway since my ends were gross and dried out, because of winter. = I liked my hair before maybe a little better, but my friend and I looked too much alike LOL and she didn't want to do anything else. I'm always up for change. My hair grows like grass so by September my hair will be very long!

Thanks for the positive feedback, it's taking some getting-used-to.


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