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Sephora Active Codes- Codes only thread - Codes, Coupons

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When did you order? I still don't have shipping for my order I placed Friday morning. Trying to be patient:)
I'm in the same place I made an order Friday and haven't got shipping yet.
When did you order? I still don't have shipping for my order I placed Friday morning. Trying to be patient:)
They don't usually ship on weekends, in my experience. I've placed an order on Saturday before, and it didn't ship till Tuesday. Maybe with the sale, all the orders on Friday haven't been shipped. As it is, the order I placed on Thursday says that a shipping label has been created, but no movement on the package yet.
I'm still trying to get the Hourglass Palette! Also, has anyone tried formula x nail polish? I really want to try them, and I'm considering the set of minis (The Twenty Two). Seems like they have some really pretty colors and cool effects.

Quote: Originally Posted by NurseKelly2012 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm still trying to get the Hourglass Palette!

Also, has anyone tried formula x nail polish? I really want to try them, and I'm considering the set of minis (The Twenty Two). Seems like they have some really pretty colors and cool effects.
I bought the system the other day and I love it!  The nail polish went on so smoothly and looks so beautiful.  I got grandiose, a rose/bronze duochrome.

Quote: Originally Posted by NurseKelly2012 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They don't usually ship on weekends, in my experience. I've placed an order on Saturday before, and it didn't ship till Tuesday. Maybe with the sale, all the orders on Friday haven't been shipped. As it is, the order I placed on Thursday says that a shipping label has been created, but no movement on the package yet.
They don't ship on weekends I think partially because they use UPS, who doesn't touch the boxes on weekends.

Quote: Originally Posted by AshY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Happy Shopping!

I picked up two Bobbi Brown glosses: Black Ruby and Plum Gold online and a Julep mini topcoat.

In a SIJCP I got Lorac Unzipped and a new bottle of my fave perfume Gucci Guilty Intense.  I really didn't need the perfume since I have 1/3 left in the other bottle, but I couldn't resist getting 20% off perfume (never happens at Ulta).  I spent $15 + change b/c I had store credit for a return!!!  It was an awesome day.

Now I have to talk myself out of further MAC purchases.
all fragrance purchases at JCP got 2X the points while the VIB event is going on too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by rachelshine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @KellyKaye , I am super happy with the purchase! Here's some quick swatches on my lips: 

Cranberry - beautiful red. pigmented and goes on smooth 

Quince - in person, looks wayyy pinker and not at all like cranberry, shows up more red in my picture for some reason. still a great color. 

Madeira - The nude. Meh, this was the one I was least excited for TBH. It looks far better in this person than it does in real life I think. Maybe it's just this lightening that it looks ok. In artificial lighting, I look sightly sick lol. I'll probably mix it with others or give it away/trade if someone is dying for it. 

Rhubarb - A prettttty pinky/purple color. Darker and not as red IRL. My second favorite after cranberry. 

Adorable box they came in with a full mirror! Slightly bigger than an altoid tin. 

Swatch on hand - cranberry, quince, rhubarb, madeira 

They are all smooth and creamy. Very easy to apply and only need to go over the lips like 1x for full coverage. I adore them and am happy I picked them up!
SO Pretty! @rachelshine they look gorgeous on you! Now I have too add them to my cart, hoping for a friend code to come through so I can buy all the pretties.

Some are for gifts, but a few "for me" things like these to die for lippies, I can't seem to buy gifts without buying a few things for myself.. hard habit to break lol 

Got the in stock email for the Hourglass palette and by the time I got to the sephora site POOF gone! @&$$)($&@!!!!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by ButterflyGrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Got the in stock email for the Hourglass palette and by the time I got to the sephora site POOF gone! @&$$)($&@!!!!!!!!
I got mine yesterday;... hope the product is good....

Quote: Originally Posted by NurseKelly2012 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They don't usually ship on weekends, in my experience. I've placed an order on Saturday before, and it didn't ship till Tuesday. Maybe with the sale, all the orders on Friday haven't been shipped. As it is, the order I placed on Thursday says that a shipping label has been created, but no movement on the package yet.
I have never got a shipping notice except this weekend got 2 one today and one yesterday.., Ups delivers on Monday even though it a holiday.. yay... think I might get a box or 2  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I want Flash so bad... Dear Sephora, make my Christmas dreams come true.
I wanted flash too just never had it offered to me.. I made vibrouge  though... which isn't so great so far

Quote: Originally Posted by normajean2008 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Went into Sephora today.  I had a large return for store credit, so I had to fight the crowd in the store instead of online.  Luckily I was able to get out the door early enough that it wasn't very busy, but by the time I was leaving it was picking up fast!

So the other day I did place one small order online-- I got the Bobbi Brown chocolate raspberry lip gloss and Clinique chubby lip pencil in mighty mimosa.

Today I made out like a bandit! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Tarte multiple eye primer (white tube--LOVE this stuff!), Tarte Gifted mascara, YSL Glossy Stain #7, Nars Guy Bourdain (sp??) promiscuous lip pencil set, 21 drops quick fix set, Formula X  AHA cuticle cream, nail strengthener, nail hydrator.  Formula X polish in Indelible, Gravity, and Fearless.

Grand Total out of pocket today-- 32$ and some change (after the discount and my store credit)!

If anybody hasn't tried the Sephora Formula X, or is on the edge on trying it, I highly recommend the system!!  My nails are weak, split and flake a lot, and break if you just look at them wrong.  Since I've been using the "system" they are selling with the free nail color, I haven't had ANY of those issues, and my nails have grown like a weed.  I cut them off almost to the skin 1 week ago to start fresh, and they are all now evenly just past the ends of my finger tips!  This polish doesn't chip bad, and for me--hasn't had any minor tip wear even before a weeks time.  Tonight I tried the AHA cuticle cream, man this stuff is awesome!  After using it, then using the nail cleaner--my hands looked like I just had a salon clean them up.  It is a smallish tube of product, but you only need the tiniest pin dot of cream on each finger, so it'll last a long time.

Now I just need to go find the other nail polish I wanted to buy today, but they were out in store, and I think I'll be done for this sale.
Great haul! I LOVE the Formula X polish that I have. You just convinced me that I NEED to buy the system!

When did you order? I still don't have shipping for my order I placed Friday morning. Trying to be patient:)
I ordered super early Saturday morning...maybe mine is coming from the other distribution center?
I ordered super early Saturday morning...maybe mine is coming from the other distribution center?
Ohh I didn't think of that! I figure I'll give them til Tuesday with the holiday. If it doesn't ship by then, I'll call. Meanwhile, I am contemplating another order... :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Sorry to be OT...  But I can really use some good advice.

I'm going to return my 3 Sun Safety Kit (out of 5) that I purchased back in late spring.  I absolutely can't find their receipts and it's not in my records anymore, they've rolled out of the data-base, I think they only display a certain number of purchasese.  

I'm very likely looking at a relocation come January due to school... 

I had purchased them for gifts and only managed to give 2 away, people just aren't as passionate about beauty products as I am, LOL.  I also have 5 Cindy palette, those I have the receipts and I'm going to find the GWP and bring those back as well.

I had thought I would be in NY for years to come, but the house is on the market and most that know me thinks I'm a shoe-in for the Scholar program and I've got to start de-cluttering.

The kicker for me is that I've got a few bum discs in the neck, so I can't lift past 5 pounds (in boxe terms that's like - pathetic) and can't bend neck, I use prism glasses to accomplish stationary tasks.  That's why I switched from marketing into linguist work - arrive sit and open mouth :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />....

When I go mall shopping or return stuff, I take a little roll-away suitcase with me and people think I've just come off an airplane.

I'll be hiring folks to help me move everything and extra stuff is just 3X the trouble with packing, transporting and unpacking, it'll eat any savings I gained while acquiring the multiples on sale.

I'm just frightened that they are gong to think me some crazy shop lifter, what do you guys think?   Anything else I can do or say other then bringing the GWP as a gesture of good customer practice?  

@FormosaHoney first off, so sorry about your discs!! They are super painful and it must be such a pain in the bum :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> As for your receipts, if you're a VIB/VIBR, you'll be fine. They should just be able to look you up/scan your VIB/R card & it'll come up. Just have your ID with you. 

@Lisabette, thank you!! I am so glad I bought them! Wish I still had my friend code, but my mom snatched it up. Good luck! If not, not sure if there is a Sephora near you, but maybe you could go pick it up in store and save on shipping? 

Quote: Originally Posted by Dina Mason /img/forum/go_quote.gif

According to a mod on beauty talk, they don't do returns after 90 days. Guess you could still try.

For online, returns 90 days is the policy.  However you can bring it into the stores at anytime.  

With receipt usually means that it'll go back to the original means of payment while no receipt gets you a Sephora card with the value on it and they will take your license number for it as means of tracking your returns.

I do understand that too many non-receipt items will raise a red-flag.  I'm sure I'm just being paranoid, since the people that steal and return for a living probably steal super high-ticket items that are small and slick and easy to slip into pockets... such as premium branded eye-creams, serums or perfumes and then turn around and sell the Sephora card - Instore Use Onlly on websites in pretty large denominations, $300 to $500?  

I'm returning these big balky, relataively low unit priced items that I think no shop-lifter in their right mind would opt for, so I hope they'll deduce that I'm not a shop lifter risk even if it's a couple of hundred dollars worth of products.  

I think my hoarding days are certainly coming to a middle...

Hi Everyone.....this is my first post! I just had to create an account to tell you all that, even though you didn't know it, you've been keeping me company for the past 4 days and it's been so fun to read this thread. I'm not sure if I should blame you all or myself for placing 5 orders. Yikes. I'm pretty new to makeup (since hitting 40 a few years ago). The main reason I created an account is becuase I realize I have a friend code that I'd like to share. If it's not too late. I'm not sure when the sale ends? @Lisabette did you get a friend code today? I don't have an actual card with a number on it but I have an email that I can send to a friend. I think that is how it works? I'm not sure but I would be happy to try and send it if you let me know your email address?? Thanks again to everyone for the great entertainment. It's exciting to hear about products I may not know of otherwise and find others who are makeup obsessed. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Happy Sunday. XO


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