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Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  ugggh. this is so disappointing to read! I feel bad for all of you who are being treated like this!

Also, my Sephora neeever gives out samples. To be honest, sometimes I'd rather just shop at Nordstrom for make up (if I'm in a mall/state that has one, of course!) because they're really nice (ok yes, they get commission...but its nice they're nice!) AND because they just set out little pots and spray vials for you to fill up with samples. I think I spent more money at Nordstrom this summer on cosmetics than I did at Sephora. Horray for samples!

I don't usually purchase at a stand alone, I usually try things out there and then buy it online, since I can't carry the weight.  

So I'm sure that plays a factor for me but in the Wall Street Sephora, I said to the SA who was making all sorts of frag samples for me in a very knowledgeable and super attentive demeanor - that I feel a little bad that I usually don't buy because of the weight thing.  He said don't think twice about it, it's just where I am in life right now and to do what I need to do and be strong.  I asked for his name and wrote a good review for him.  He was so sweet!  

My exeprience is definetely varied.  Some SA are sooooo personable and helpful that I really want to drop $200 on the spot.  I think if people knew that I could only buy online (unless I had suitcase in-tow), no one would talk to me...  Damn neck, I think I'm going for another neck-disc surgery sooner then later...  ew...

Hey to bring things back to beauty, got my box with 2x of the Bascia $10 kits and a Soap & Glory hand lotion and I got the last of the 'blitz' that was allowed to me, I was able to order 3 total.  That's way to spin a positive control in place, let me grab a few and then say "okay, that's enough honey ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />..."  

They threw in an extra sample and a multi-page accordian brochure with 4 scents!  Yeah more tiny goodies for AFG!

Quote: Originally Posted by jennm149 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Not defending, but just to level set:

1.  Retailers limit "receiptless" returns because people steal merchandise and return it.  Or use it as a way to get good counterfeits into the system (buy real item, return fake, sell real item).

2.  Retailers have to monitor potential for reselling because of their agreements with the brands they sell.  Particularly for brands that have limited distribution, where Sephora is an "exclusive" seller, etc.  Sephora might lose distribution for certain products if they aren't careful about letting them get into resellers' hands.  Yes, they could try to put limits in place, but we've seen how well they do at that, haven't we?

3.  Retailers don't share rules about fraud tracking for 2 primary reasons.  First, it's easier to "get around" a rule you know than one you don't know and second, there aren't necessarily "rules" to explain when it's mostly being detected by pattern-observing software that flags suspicious behavior.

I never cease to be amazed at the ways in which people will scam (or try to scam) companies because they think it doesn't "hurt anyone."  Well, we've seen who it hurts -- people who are just trying to buy some make-up and who end up unfairly targeted because their behavior "looks" suspicious.
On 1- I don't think anyone here was doing that-but that is definitely a cause for concern for the company, no doubt. That is a clear indication of fraudulent activity and they shouldn't ignore it. I'm all for them limiting receiptless returns- or any other policy they choose to enforce, so long as they make those policies clear.

2- "Yes, they could try to put limits in place, but we've seen how well they do at that, haven't we?" -That's the point of us commenting that they need to evaluate their issues, and fix them. Just because they've sucked in the past doesn't mean that they will always suck at that same thing, does it? Should a company just ignore the valid complaints of it's highest-spending customers and just chalk it up to "Well, haven't done it before, so why do it now?" And if they keep doing this to people who spend so much with them, words going to get around and no one will be interested in whatever they're "exclusively" selling, or whatever- I'd venture if it got that bad, they'd be losing more money by scaring off all of the high-spenders than losing whatever products/labels they are attempting to keep/protect. But once again, they could set limits if they are so concerned. If a little indie company can figure out limit-setting on products/promos, surely the monstrous Sephora could pay some computer person a bit of cash to sort out their ish.

3- Yes, people will always try to scam companies and individuals. It's life. But that still doesn't make it a good business decision to piss off your highest-spenders, who you've already let down big time with the crappy rouge "perks". There are simple things they can do to try and make it where the frauds are limited and the real customers are still happy. If you don't let a company know something's wrong- they won't know there's something to fix, and this is something they really should be interested in fixing, imo. And they don't have to let us know how they are investigating a fraud, I can understand why they wouldn't lay down all of the methods to their  madness- but they could definitely avoid the unhappiness by legit customers by stating simple rules so the honest ones don't get flagged- even if it's a simple limit to how many small orders one can make, or limiting promo codes and whatnot. It's seriously not brain science or rocket surgery, and this is coming from someone who's been in a management position. Albeit it wasn't makeup, but I *get* a lot of business aspects that someone who might not have those experiences might not think of. And I know I would not be so rude/condescending/whatever to my very valued customers. Hell, even the negative experience of one influential person wanting to make a $40 purchase (Maybe it's a famous blogger, or whatever) can cause a big hit to company.

Sephora needs to fix the "machine" (After all, a person made it, a person should theoretically be able to fix it) or figure out a way to override it, or just use common sense. Take down the frauds all you want, but there's a way to do it without losing business. Just what I think. Alls I knows is is that my MUT brothers/sisters aren't being treated with the respect they deserve, and that there are smarter business decisions that could've been/could be made.  ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't usually purchase at a stand alone, I usually try things out there and then buy it online, since I can't carry the weight.

So I'm sure that plays a factor for me but in the Wall Street Sephora, I said to the SA who was making all sorts of frag samples for me in a very knowledgeable and super attentive demeanor - that I feel a little bad that I usually don't buy because of the weight thing.  He said don't think twice about it, it's just where I am in life right now and to do what I need to do and be strong.  I asked for his name and wrote a good review for him.  He was so sweet!

My exeprience is definetely varied.  Some SA are sooooo personable and helpful that I really want to drop $200 on the spot.  I think if people knew that I could only buy online (unless I had suitcase in-tow), no one would talk to me...  Damn neck, I think I'm going for another neck-disc surgery sooner then later...  ew...
Aw, what a sweetie. Yeah, I have the most helpful girls at my SiJCP, I sent an email with their Employee numbers (All I had! Wish I knew their names) that stated the awesome service I received, and I always spend more when they are nice/helpful. Plus one of them is a MUA, and I always love trying out her suggestions. I hope my message got passed along to them!

BUT- back in TX, when I first set foot into a Sephora....I literally had no one come help me, and it wasn't busy or anything...they were just too busy talking/ignoring me. When I finally got someone to help me, they weren't really of any help. And that was a stand alone. :/

It's just always gonna vary, like with many big companies. Ah well.

Yeah the SAs at my local Sephora aren't terribly helpful. It's never really that busy, but they don't offer help. I can be in there for a half hour, and no one will ask me if they can help me out, and when you go look for them they seem to vanish.

Quote: Originally Posted by NurseKelly2012 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah the SAs at my local Sephora aren't terribly helpful. It's never really that busy, but they don't offer help. I can be in there for a half hour, and no one will ask me if they can help me out, and when you go look for them they seem to vanish.
I swear they are like magic, lol. Same thing with those TX SAs haha!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  ugggh. this is so disappointing to read! I feel bad for all of you who are being treated like this!

Also, my Sephora neeever gives out samples. To be honest, sometimes I'd rather just shop at Nordstrom for make up (if I'm in a mall/state that has one, of course!) because they're really nice (ok yes, they get commission...but its nice they're nice!) AND because they just set out little pots and spray vials for you to fill up with samples. I think I spent more money at Nordstrom this summer on cosmetics than I did at Sephora. Horray for samples!
The people in Nordstrom  which is next to Sephora here   are really nice to me too. They give me bags of samples the last few times I was looking around . I actually have been buying  my makeup from   them.   I  had something sent to me from them and they threw in a travel makeup brush set for free along with a bag of samples. I  think they are awesome

Quote: Originally Posted by jennm149 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Not defending, but just to level set:

1.  Retailers limit "receiptless" returns because people steal merchandise and return it.  Or use it as a way to get good counterfeits into the system (buy real item, return fake, sell real item).

2.  Retailers have to monitor potential for reselling because of their agreements with the brands they sell.  Particularly for brands that have limited distribution, where Sephora is an "exclusive" seller, etc.  Sephora might lose distribution for certain products if they aren't careful about letting them get into resellers' hands.  Yes, they could try to put limits in place, but we've seen how well they do at that, haven't we?

3.  Retailers don't share rules about fraud tracking for 2 primary reasons.  First, it's easier to "get around" a rule you know than one you don't know and second, there aren't necessarily "rules" to explain when it's mostly being detected by pattern-observing software that flags suspicious behavior.

I never cease to be amazed at the ways in which people will scam (or try to scam) companies because they think it doesn't "hurt anyone."  Well, we've seen who it hurts -- people who are just trying to buy some make-up and who end up unfairly targeted because their behavior "looks" suspicious.  The problem is that Sephora probably stands to lose more by letting resellers get away than by upsetting legitimate customers by over-zealously flagging their behavior as potentially fraudulent.  I know it's not very comforting when you have been affected by this, but there are plenty of places to buy pretties!

And although this may sound strange under the circumstances, remember that it's not really personal.  It's just a machine that sees a bunch of random facts and pieces them together weird, not a person sitting in front of a corkboard with all of your purchases, trying to figure out if you are scamming or not (could you imagine, like a bunch of profilers trying to find the make-up thieves!)  Sadly, no human usually gets to overrule the machine in these circumstances, because no one really knows why the machine does what it does.  The risk of letting a bad actor back in is greater than the loss of potential sales from banning a good customer.

So sorry for the problems this has caused for you!
On #1 If I was corporate, I'd roll-out a cashier in each store with stronger computer capabilities.  A receiptless return willl be handled there.  Set a low return $ value in general to discourage fraudulent returns.  For VIB and VIB-R folks, where their purchases are in the system, (give that computer enough juice to search into their purchase history) raise the return numbers, since their returns will be reconciled against previous purchases.   Also train a couple of SA to be able to identify coutnerfits to man the return w/o receipt center and put in some consequence for proven repeat cases of fraudulent. 

I mostly agree with #2 and #3.  

Quote: Originally Posted by NurseKelly2012 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah the SAs at my local Sephora aren't terribly helpful. It's never really that busy, but they don't offer help. I can be in there for a half hour, and no one will ask me if they can help me out, and when you go look for them they seem to vanish.

I had that experience just today LOL. Then when I did ask a question no one, not even the manager, knew the answer. I was like "Okay, nevermind." and left.

Quote: Originally Posted by sparklesgirlxox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The people in Nordstrom  which is next to Sephora here   are really nice to me too. They give me bags of samples the last few times I was looking around . I actually have been buying  my makeup from   them.   I  had something sent to me from them and they threw in a travel makeup brush set for free along with a bag of samples. I  think they are awesome
I need to find this Nordstrom you ladies seem to frequent, lol.

Know what else I've never seen in real life? A MAC store. Poor, poor sheltered Slinka.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by sparklesgirlxox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The people in Nordstrom  which is next to Sephora here   are really nice to me too. They give me bags of samples the last few times I was looking around . I actually have been buying  my makeup from   them.   I  had something sent to me from them and they threw in a travel makeup brush set for free along with a bag of samples. I  think they are awesome
I need to find this Nordstrom you ladies seem to frequent, lol.

Know what else I've never seen in real life? A MAC store. Poor, poor sheltered Slinka.

I've never seen either, or a physical Sephora...we just got Ulta this June.

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  On #1 If I was corporate, I'd roll-out a cashier in each store with stronger computer capabilities.  A receiptless return willl be handled there.  Set a low return $ value in general to discourage fraudulent returns.  For VIB and VIB-R folks, where their purchases are in the system, (give that computer enough juice to search into their purchase history) raise the return numbers, since their returns will be reconciled against previous purchases.   Also train a couple of SA to be able to identify coutnerfits to man the return w/o receipt center and put in some consequence for proven repeat cases of fraudulent.

I mostly agree with #2 and #3.
YES! Can anyone tell me why Sephora-which you can not tell me does not have the money- does not upgrade their computer systems? Like...really. C'mon Sephora, it's almost 2014...The future is NOW, damnit. =p

And training to detect counterfeits would be a good idea, not sure why they haven't done so already (albeit there is a LOT of product, but obviously at least some focus on the really high dollar products would be a good idea.)

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I've never seen either, or a physical Sephora...we just got Ulta this June.
 I'm not alone! lol

Quote: Originally Posted by sparklesgirlxox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The people in Nordstrom  which is next to Sephora here   are really nice to me too. They give me bags of samples the last few times I was looking around . I actually have been buying  my makeup from   them.   I  had something sent to me from them and they threw in a travel makeup brush set for free along with a bag of samples. I  think they are awesome
I can definitely see myself spending more money at Nordstrom for beauty stuff in the future. The free shipping all the time forever and always option is really nice. Since most of the stuff is higher end, it'll definitely put me off from buying random little things.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  YES! Can anyone tell me why Sephora-which you can not tell me does not have the money- does not upgrade their computer systems? Like...really. C'mon Sephora, it's almost 2014...The future is NOW, damnit. =p

And training to detect counterfeits would be a good idea, not sure why they haven't done so already (albeit there is a LOT of product, but obviously at least some focus on the really high dollar products would be a good idea.)

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
 I'm not alone! lol
You guys are so cute!  The 5th Ave. Sephora is awesome, it's their flagship.  You must put that on your to-do list for NY, stop off at Cartier's for a short spell and then go to the Earl of Sandwhich on 6th for lunch.

I've been to just under 10 Sephoras in the greater NY area, I go to them like coffee houses between assignments...  also where ever I travel I visit them, in DC, AZ, CA, NJ...  Kinda makes me feel like I'm visiting a dear friend.  My other good friends are Popey's (spicey fried chicken), WholeFood and Trader Joe's.

Yeah I have a feeling that their fraud detection system might not have been updated since they added on VIB Rouge and Flash shipping.  Now that they have these new shipping options, of course it is going to change how they place orders, and how many they make.

I work for a retailer that has a very strict policy for large sales (over 500 units at a time) and a customer has to sign an agreement that states they are not for resale. Obviously I have no idea how many "small orders" were placed to get you banned, but I am just stating my 2cents.

Completely off topic...  

But the Body Shop 3 for $30 is ON (online)!  Don't forget the $25 Black Friday Tote with $30 purchase, it's valued at $108!  

Hint: there are products in face care that normally runs $38, all are up for grabs.  

It is sad. Very, very sad. I am a VIBR. Need VIB since it started and to hear that they are doing this to VIBR peeps?? Ok..I can admit I make smaller purchase amts, look for codes and make more purchases this year than ever due to the "free" shipping. But isn't that what they wanted? It makes me super upset to know that someone who makes purchase or "spends too much money" is banned. BUT someone who can purchase 15 Ariel palettes to sell on eBay for $150 isn't banned. Really?? I am one of those peeps that wanted one of those palettes but couldn't get it due to sephoras lack of caring. It doesn't make sense to me at ALL!!! These are your high end spending customers and this is how you treat them?? WOW!!! I understand that there is going to be fraud but come on! And yes...I also after the holidays will be sticking with nordstroms more often. Never had an issue with getting samples there. Even the Chanel counter gives them out. Ok my ranting is over. I just had to get that out!

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Completely off topic...

But the Body Shop 3 for $30 is ON (online)!  Don't forget the $25 Black Friday Tote with $30 purchase, it's valued at $108!

Hint: there are products in face care that normally runs $38, all are up for grabs.
Need to look into that! Thanks!

Wow, seeing all of the bad treatment makes me sad. The people at my Sephora have always been very helpful. Someone always says hi when a person comes in. I'm trying to get a job there, and when I do, I'm going to be the best SA in Sephora history! XD
