Scrunching straight hair forums

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Jan 18, 2006
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I'm not sure if this has been posted before. (I did a search and didn't seem to find anything). Anyway, I was wondering how to achieve that wavy, scrunched look that looks like it's still wet kinda. I have tried scrunching it with gel/mousse but it always goes straight within an hour...what do I need to do to get it to hold? I've heard of different ways-like putting gel on wet hair then drying with a diffuser, putting it in a bun at nighttime and just spraying it in the morn, etc. How do you gals do it? Also, do you have any suggestions for a curl enchancing cream or product? Thanks!

Well, I have stick-straight hair, and nothing seems to really work to get that wavy look. I used to use something (forgetting what it was now) that kinda sorta worked, but only with massive amounts of scrunching. Usually it just looks kinda kinky though. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Maybe someone one here has some suggestions to help both of us lol...

aaww, sorry i don't have straight hair, so i don't know...

But when we go out i think what my friend (with nearly straight hair) does, is put a ton of BigSexyHair and a curling mousse in her hair.. and then she scrunches her hair over the dryer, holding her head upside down..

I don't know if this helps.. I'm sure someone with straight hair will be able to give you better advise :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I use the Herbal Essence Totally Twisted stuff. Its pretty good. You need to put it in damp hair and then braid it or put it in a tight bun with lots of elastics and comes down and stays fairly curly but my hair is stubbornly straight

Have you tried a 3 barrel waver? I have stick straight hair, and it works pretty well, but you can't control the size of the curl that the iron puts in it!

I use a spray gel on wet hair and scrunch it with my hands. I let it air dry and it stays that way all day. My hair is med. shoulder length. HTH

hm.. maybe you need a stronger hold gel.. or if scrunching doesn't work you could try putting it up in a messy bun or maybe braids for awhile and see if it's wavy when you take it out.

i have wavy hair so it's hard for me to make good suggestions though :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> just my thoughts

I have wavy curly hair so I really can't relate.

I can't tell by your pictures but do you have layered hair? If your hair is straight, one length and long, I think it would be difficult to keep any curl in.

Having your hair layered might help.

What about back combing and then putting in rollers. After removing the rollers, do not comb through or brush. Then spray lots of hair spray.

Hope my ideas help.

I figured this out the other day and it really helps my hair get curly. ( I have wavy hair, but maybe it will work for you too :satisfied: ) I wash my hair and put some kind of styling stuff on it (lately I have been using Beyond the Zone Noodle Head, and I LOVE IT) and scrunch it a little with my hands and then I use those big clips, the ones that you squeeze the handle and the little jaws open, and clip it up in big sections. Then I just go straight to bed. Yes, it's a tad uncomfortable, but usually I can find a position thats comfy. When I wake up I just take the clips out and put a little hairspray or scrunching spray and on it and I'm good to go! (Usually this works...:doze:

Hope this helps!! Let me know how it works so I don't feel like a dork being the only one sleeping with giant clippies in my hair!!

i like the garnier soft curl cream, it comes in a short fat it through your hair first,comb through, then scrunch for soft waves

what products does everyone use? When I try to scrunch my hair with mousse, i can somewhat get the look but the waves are gel-hard like a guy's hair >.< meanwhile other girls have soft flowing waves.

I have curly/wavy hair but when I was pregnant it was straight as a board. I would use Tigi Bed Head hairspray and a diffuser to scrunch my wet hair into curls. It worked GREAT and to this day it is my HG hair product! Try it out!

My natural hair is way way straight (I have a perm at the moment), when I wanted to scrunch it I just put in a gel while my hair was still damp and just scrunched and scrunched away, then sprayed it with hairspray.

Loreal, I love noodlehead too!

Why dont you braid it and put some type of strong hold gel or mouse and in the morning take the braids out and see if it works. I do this when i dont want my curly hair to get tangled while i sleep. i dont know if this will work for straight hair.

i've had success when i use dream curls by john freida. i keep some on hand for when my hair needs some extra curl and volume.

I towel dry my hair so its still damp. Then brush it. Scrunch it with my hand or towel from the clear bottom. Then get a big glob of gel in my hair and put all threw my hair[mines so thick i usually take two] then scrunch it again with the towel. Get a really good hair spray and spray it all over. Scrunch again. Then gel again and scrunch. Then when im done scrunching, i take aqua net and rave hairspray and spray all over. I usually have a travel bottle of hair spray too so if it feels like its getting loose durning the day you can re spray it. It usually hold for about 6 hours in my hair.
I have ridiculously straight hair too and I can't imagine scrunching working at all for giving it waves & shape. Every time it's styled it ends up going flat within a couple hours at most. What might help is washing your hair at night, then applying some kind of styling cream and braiding or twisting your hair and then in the AM it should be dry. Letting my hair dry in a style is usually what works best for it.


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