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Originally Posted by beautymadn3ss /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I actually looked it up...sounds interesting to try at least once :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
Haven't tried it but I would! A bit expensive, though, for me to try on a whim. Would make a fun Valentine's Day gift for a significant other, though. 

Sooo according to their Facebook page, RCB will now be offering makeup tutorials presented by a professional makeup artist featuring the contents of their boxes....

"i got an urban decay thing, they told me i couldn't say what, but IT'S GREAT" (i also remembered another reviewer saying something like that)

well...if that isn't shady, does the product even exist? LOL

Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif

"i got an urban decay thing, they told me i couldn't say what, but IT'S GREAT" (i also remembered another reviewer saying something like that)

well...if that isn't shady, does the product even exist? LOL
This girl says that too in her vid. 

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This girl says that too in her vid. 
Yup, THAT was the video I was thinking of. Who could forget that lady's QVC sounding presentation.

Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yup, THAT was the video I was thinking of. Who could forget that lady's QVC sounding presentation.
I wonder if Amanda the Sex Toy Lady will review the Feb box since she is "sponsoring" it.

Ok even putting rcb aside, that video was terrible. I couldn't even concentrate on the "perfect party purse" with the camera falling down repeatedly.

Despite this video being bad - did anyone else find it odd that she said that she didn't expect a replacement for her broken eyeshadow since her video was late?

Providing a replacement for a defective item should not be predicated by a video review.  Also - regardless of where the company shipped to (even if it was the middle of the desert - it is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that all goods arrive without damage.  So just because the items were shipped to Canada - should not excuse the company from the fact that one of the items was damaged in shipping.  It was either broken when they put in in the box - or it broke during shipping.  In either case - a reputable company would replace it.

I found the whole thing pretty strange.  Especially that she apologized a ton of times for the video being late.  As if someone was pressuring her to post.   

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Had not seen this one before...
Originally Posted by Honicakes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Despite this video being bad - did anyone else find it odd that she said that she didn't expect a replacement for her broken eyeshadow since her video was late?

Providing a replacement for a defective item should not be predicated by a video review.  Also - regardless of where the company shipped to (even if it was the middle of the desert - it is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that all goods arrive without damage.  So just because the items were shipped to Canada - should not excuse the company from the fact that one of the items was damaged in shipping.  It was either broken when they put in in the box - or it broke during shipping.  In either case - a reputable company would replace it.

I found the whole thing pretty strange.  Especially that she apologized a ton of times for the video being late.  As if someone was pressuring her to post.   
My guess is she probably got a free box in exchange for a review but didn't want to out right say so.

I hadn't seen that review until now. Very strange. The girl in the video was very apologetic, which was odd. Her review was so forced, I couldn't possibly take it seriously. I usually (not always) take the "free" (the ones where cos provide free products to be reviewed) reviews with a grain of salt, but this was way phoney. Nice girl, but I didn't trust her review. She made too many senseless excuses for rcb.

Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok even putting rcb aside, that video was terrible. I couldn't even concentrate on the "perfect party purse" with the camera falling down repeatedly.
The camera falling down repeatedly was my favorite part. I felt sort of bad for her but it really cracked me up :)

Not trying to be too bishy but the girl in it fell in my room....

she has to be alike 12 years old? or like maybe 14? dunno.

The Betsy/Bootsy Johnsnon?? sunglasses look really fake. if they were even real they would have a proper case of some kind. and not a plastic bag. also would not have a tag tied w string on it.

-most designer sunglasses have those plastic tags that clip on that are on the arm of the sunglasses.

I have gotten real designer sunglasses for $25 often <usually older models from a licenced optitician chain store that has a clearance table-sometimes they do not have the matching case and have given me another brands extra case instead>.

-that;s from the Laurier Optical chain in my city.....

I think this video makes RCB look even worse.


Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif

"i got an urban decay thing, they told me i couldn't say what, but IT'S GREAT" (i also remembered another reviewer saying something like that)

well...if that isn't shady, does the product even exist? LOL

Amanda, the sex toy lady just uploaded a yt video. Can't hear much because of the poor sound quality, but it seems to be more of the same (just different products). She mentions "controversy" and claims the bags are red river brand. She also talks about how inexpensive the rcb is compared to amazon or eBay, even though she knows patti does not utilize those places.

Originally Posted by Jazbot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She just posted on FACEBOOK that she is raising her charges!! What! $29.99 + $5.99 Shipping. Is she crazy?
Ouch, for that price...people could go with Popsugar or LBB and get better quality items.


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