Random question: kids and marriage

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I was a baby having a baby.

I have 3 kids.

First pregnancy I was 15, had her 2 months after I turned 16

Met my hubby, we were dating, I swear to this day I got pregnant with him just looking at it!!

We got married when our son was a year old.

Then came my last little one....she is now 6, my son is 8, my oldest is now 16 I've been married 7.5 years.

Sounds almost like a soap opera if you ask me.

I am too young to be a grandma...I've already threatened my oldest no way in hell I'll be a grandma at 32!!

Oddly enough I have no complaints.

I just turned 40.

I got married at 26 (still married), first child at 28, and second child at 36.

It sure was a lot harder having a baby at 36 than 28.

I guess I am in the miniority. I want to get married young. I am 21 and getting married this next year (2007) I have always wanted to get married before I was 22. I dreamed of my wedding since I was little. I have wanted nothing more in life than to be a wife and mother. As far as kids go though, I want to wait a few years before they get added into the mix.

I got pregnant when I was 18 and got married when I was 4 months pregnant, got divorced five years later, now I'm 26 and have been (happily) remarried for 19 months and I'm 4 weeks pregnant with my second baby!

My boyfriend's oldest brother married his wife when they were both just 19!! They had their first baby at 22 and now at 25 they have 2 children under the age of 3. Their children are absolutely precious and I love them to bits... but I'm kind of using that family as a model of what I really don't want for myself! LOL.

I'm 19 right now, and probably won't be married for a few years [probably 4 or 5]. But I am with a man I absolutely adore, and with any luck we'll be spending the rest of our lives together. Assuming that I get married when I'm around 23 or 24, I have to say that I probably won't want kids right away. Or even at all... I really don't know!

But I do know I want to do something with my life before I even think about trying to get pregnant. Like travelling, just spending time with my husband, and whatnot. If I do decide to reproduce, I'm thinking I'll only want one kid. And that would just be for the experience. I like small families, and have no intentions of becoming a domestic babymaking housewife. It's just not what I want to do with my life. I guess I'm more independent minded. I'd rather have a life where I'm free to do what I want without having to sacrifice everything for a kid. Sounds a bit selfish I guess... but I'd rather stay childless than have a baby and resent/regret it for the rest of my life.

I was married the first time at barely 20 years old. Only lasted a year and a half til we divorced. Now I know I have found the "right" one. I married for the second time at age 24. I had my son with my first husband when I was barely 21. I now KNOW from experience.. it is better to wait as long as possible to get married, then to marry the wrong person and have to go through a divorce! So don't let anyone tell you there is anything wrong with you, because there is not!

That really stinks that your being pressured!! My kids are 12 & 14. I'm already drilling in their heads NOT to wait for a prince charming to take care of them. The older one will say "I'll marry a rich guy and he can buy me blah blah blah". I told her she had to make her own way in the world so she could take care of herself and buy herself what she wants. I got married at 28 and had my first child at 31. I originally wanted 4 kids. After two, I knew that was enough. I'm still married. Its a work in process daily!! My advice to any young woman is to wait wait wait. Find out what you want and don't want. The answrs don't have to come in one day. Good luck~!

I got pregnant when i was 18...about 5 months during my pregnancy my husband and i deceided to get married (we were already thinking about it)...so i planned the wedding in 2 weeks...got married on the beach...im 20 yrs old my husband is 27 and we have been married...it will be 2 years feb 26. we have been together for 4 years.
I know a woman who is in her early 50s and has never married or had kids and still never wants to. She loves her life the way it is. She's successful, has lots of friends, family, nieces & nephews, and lots of activities going on in her life. She's done a lot of traveling and see a lot of things. She's going to retire early and travel. She's completely satisfied with her life as it is and has no regrets.

I know another woman who had a couple of marriages in her twenties that failed miserably (no kids) and she found Mr. Right in her mid thirties and had three children in her late thirties to early forties. She's perfectly happy with her life too. They were both nice and settled, had great jobs, savings, etc. They built a $200k+ home.

I think it's just about living your life the way you want. You don't have to marry and have kids to be successful or to "have a real life". I personally wish I would have waited a few more years. I got engaged, pregnant, and married all within a 3 month span at age 23. Dh and I were still getting on our feet. Now 3yrs later, we are still trying to get on our feet and I'm still in college. I love my daughter and wouldn't trade for the world, but I do wish I would have waited until I was at least 30 so I could have given her more in every aspect. (time wise, etc)

I am the same age as you and people always tend to ask me the same questions when are you gonna get married and have kids. I do want to eventually get married, but not for another 6 years and I don't want any children, my "fur children a.k.a puppies" are just fine. I think society tells women that something is wrong if you don't want kids or marriage but it's about your own personal happiness and choice. I love kids, I have 3 God-children, but they ARE NOT for me. Contrary to popular belief you can live a fulfilling whole life without babies or a marriage if it's not for you. Don't allow your family to pressure you into something that you are unsure of. You are still young so it's not beat the clock.


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