Oh, man. I was all ready to come here and say "While I did do a giant WTF when I saw the spoilers on MSA, I don't hate this box." But then I looked at the picture someone posted and I am definitely disappointed.
If I get this exact pair of earrings (the one Liz linked to), I'll be okay:
http://www.ruegembon.com/products/raven-gold. Those are right up my alley and are the perfect mix of classy and edgy, I could definitely wear them to work. The ones in the pic? Look like something I would have worn to a high school dance in the 90's. And not in a good way.
I'll try to sell the bag on my company's portal since I'm thinking it won't be oversaturated like ebay. I will wear the hat around my house and to shovel the driveway or whatever, but that's about it. I may gift the mug to my brother or SIL since they are both into design. The serum and nail polish will eventually get used, but I already have the NUDE and zillions of colors just like the RGB deep (even if colors vary, my nail polish collection is extensive, to say the least).
I don't know, I hated the clutch in the summer box but at least there was enough other stuff in there to still feel worth it. This box seems skimpy for $100 and just not up to par with Nina's past boxes style-wise. Here's to hoping I'll feel differently when it's in my hands. I'm not going to return it though, even though the Quarterly policy allows it. I feel like Quarterly is hanging on by a thread...I bought the box knowing it was a gamble and it might not be my style, and I'd hate to put them out of business for one bad box. I am optimistic that they can turn things around, and I feel like when the boxes are good, they are SO GOOD, you know?