QOTD September 20, 2012: Are you afraid of any animals or creatures?

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Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Speaking of frightened. I think I've made my sons into wimps by not allowing them to play with creepy crawlies when they were younger. LOL There was a grasshopper on our backdoor so I went to pick it up to show it to my boys. I use to play with grasshoppers as a kid along with lady beetles, rolly pollies and preying mantis so those don't bug (pardon the pun) me. I brought the grasshopper in and my boys have never seen a grasshopper before and FREAKED OUT when I showed it to them. I had to essentially force them to hold it and my youngest son just screamed and went off crying because the legs felt weird to him. After several minutes of calming him down I held the grasshopper in my hand and we watched as it cleaned it's legs, twitches it's antennae and moved it's eyes. Needless to say I think next summer I'm going to take them out to the fields to bug hunt because it's not right that they're missing out on playing with bugs. LOL
Awww poor kid. We are the opposite. Hub and I have an agreement that we each just fit certain sets of jobs. He takes care of bugs and we have trained the boys to as well. It's just one of those good qualities to have as a guy especially. That way if they date someone who is freaked out by bugs they can play the savior role. My oldest son takes full advantage of the ability at school when girls freak out about bugs.

I am completly terrified of scorpians. I had to step on one once, becasue there was no one else around and it was 3AM. I called my BF and had him stay on the phone while I stood there and cried and just looked at the thing trying to get the courage to step on it. About 15 minutes later I did but I covered it with a towel, and refused to touch it, becasue I was scared, even though it was dead. I slept with the light on that night. Next time I seen a scorpian, I literally watched it for about 2 hours while I cried and freaked out, and waited for someone to come and take care of it.

But I can deal with snakes and spiders (well ok, sometimes, if they are not huge, but I don't freak out like with scorpians.)

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Parasites.. not like ticks, but like worms burrowing in my skull or things burrowing in my skin. EW.
I feel the same way. I'm not really afraid of anything but these things.  


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