QOTD 1.15.13 - What is your biggest phobia?

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I'm really afraid of the dark. Up until my boyfriend and I started sleeping in the same bed, I had to have a very dim night light on or I'd get that panicky feeling in my chest. For the first year we slept in the same bed, he'd turn the lights off and have to tell me to close my eyes, he's there & it's alright. So thankfully, with him around, I'm not so afraid. Take him out of the equation though and I still get a little panicked.

Another fear - like when I'm driving, I'm literally always afraid of stupid drivers. I live in PA and we are *known* for our stupid drivers. People see PA plates and would rather drive in a ditch than on the road with us, lol. But yeah. I know this fears comes from a mild car accident I was in. I was sitting at a red light and some idiot was texting & driving and slammed into the back of my car. I was so terrified I called my boyfriend before I called 911 and I was already crying, lol. 

Note - I wish more people didn't like tight clothes. I'd see a lot less disgusting things in public! Some people just don't know how tight too tight is.

Originally Posted by Baberanza /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm really afraid of the dark. Up until my boyfriend and I started sleeping in the same bed, I had to have a very dim night light on or I'd get that panicky feeling in my chest. For the first year we slept in the same bed, he'd turn the lights off and have to tell me to close my eyes, he's there & it's alright. So thankfully, with him around, I'm not so afraid. Take him out of the equation though and I still get a little panicked.
Same exact thing here! The other day we had a power outage and it was late so I just went to bed, and I was with him so I wasn't freaking out even if there was no light at all

1. height

2. poisonous animals

3. ghosts

But I'm very sure that everybody fears of "starving to death", so we all go earning money everyday non-stop.
