QOTD 1.15.13 - What is your biggest phobia?

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Advanced Member
Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
Hands down, spiders. Anything with more than four legs is generally not okay in my book. Eeep!

I would have to agree, spiders give me the heebie-jeebies but there's also snakes for me...

So my biggest phobia vote goes for any animal that has more than four legs, or no legs at all 

i don't know if this is a phodia, but i have a really hard time letting babies sleep. I usually have to poke them to make sure they're breathing. weird. i know.

Originally Posted by tiinster /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I would have to agree, spiders give me the heebie-jeebies but there's also snakes for me...

So my biggest phobia vote goes for any animal that has more than four legs, or no legs at all 
LOL too funny - but true for a lot of us!

Bugs, darkness, heights, falling, small spaces... none of this bothers me. Never has.

This is going to sound weird because I always get "that look" when I tell people what bothers me. I am terribly "claustrophobic" in tight fitting clothes, specifically things that are tight around my ankles or wrists. Clothes like very long skirts with heavy fabric that I feel tangled in do it to me too. I get very panicky if I feel stuck in them and I feel like I have to get out of it RIGHT NOW. Have you ever gotten a ring stuck on your finger and it drove you nuts because you couldn't get it off? It's that feeling x100. Needless to say I chose my clothes carefully. Yes I know I am weird, but we aren't talking about rational fears here, we are talking about phobias.

Bugs. Ants are the only ones that don't freak me out.

There was a beetle crawling across my windshield the other day and it took all I had to decide to leave it alone... Then I stepped on the gas and it fell on my lap. Pretty sure the entire city heard me scream.

Bugs, darkness, heights, falling, small spaces... none of this bothers me. Never has. This is going to sound weird because I always get "that look" when I tell people what bothers me. I am terribly "claustrophobic" in tight fitting clothes, specifically things that are tight around my ankles or wrists. Clothes like very long skirts with heavy fabric that I feel tangled in do it to me too. I get very panicky if I feel stuck in them and I feel like I have to get out of it RIGHT NOW. Have you ever gotten a ring stuck on your finger and it drove you nuts because you couldn't get it off? It's that feeling x100. Needless to say I chose my clothes carefully. Yes I know I am weird, but we aren't talking about rational fears here, we are talking about phobias.
This is interesting! I know the ring-stuck feeling and can't imagine it 100 times worse, yikes! Do you have any particular wardrobe staples that don't affect you as much?
I'm definitely scared of spiders. I have been bitten by brown recluses on three separate occasions.
Its not fun, trust me.

Yet, I still love anything with a spider design on it (like hair accessories or jewelry).

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This is interesting! I know the ring-stuck feeling and can't imagine it 100 times worse, yikes! Do you have any particular wardrobe staples that don't affect you as much?
When I wear pants they are never tight around the ankle so most slacks or casual pants are fine. I avoid long skirts or dresses with lots of heavy fabric that tangles around my ankles and any stretch pants or leggings. If I have to wear long sleeves they are either loose or have a button around the cuff so I can loosen them at will. Since I live in the desert short sundresses or t-shirts and shorts work great most of the time.

As far as phobias that are somewhat rational... Heights.  I cannot climb up ladders, stairs leave me sweaty and shaky and white-knuckled, and forget about getting me near the ledge of anything.

Completely irrational fear:  The ocean and 99,8% of marine life.   :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was looking around at odd fears and I found some I thought you guys might find interesting:

Arachibutyrophobia: fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Taphophobia – Fear of being buried alive  (this doesn't seem irrational, it seems smart lol)

Consecotaleophobia - Fear of chop sticks

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number "666" (try to pronounce that!)

Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror

I don't like shots therefore I don't like needles. I basically just don't want to be poked with them. I don't care if someone else is ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was looking around at odd fears and I found some I thought you guys might find interesting: Arachibutyrophobia: fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth Taphophobia – Fear of being buried alive  (this doesn't seem irrational, it seems smart lol) Consecotaleophobia - Fear of chop sticks Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number "666" (try to pronounce that!) Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror
The buried alive one would be me lol.. when I'm super stressed or craziness is all around me, I have a recurring nightmare of being smothered to death by the earth or vines. Freaky, but that's me lol.. of course, I wake up at the very last bit, freaked out and gasping for breath. The last phobia is Dorian Gray!
I'm claustrophobic, I hate when places are crowded especially if its hot
. As someone else posted, jeans that are too skinny lol I hate the super skinny jeans cause I feel like my legs are suffocating. I also hate owls, once when i was younger i took my bunny and his cage outside to clean and an owl swooped down and almost touched my head. First of all I was creeped out that it was out at midday but then when it returned to its tree i saw it turn its head 360, I just took my bunny and ran inside lol

I'm insanely afraid of the dark...I scream if the power goes down and I'm by myself. I'm extremely afraid of birds, specially large ones! And the ocean...I'm fine in a pool, but a large lake or the ocean terrify me D: I can go in like at the beach, but I don't go in far from the shore.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This is going to sound weird because I always get "that look" when I tell people what bothers me. I am terribly "claustrophobic" in tight fitting clothes, specifically things that are tight around my ankles or wrists. Clothes like very long skirts with heavy fabric that I feel tangled in do it to me too. I get very panicky if I feel stuck in them and I feel like I have to get out of it RIGHT NOW. Have you ever gotten a ring stuck on your finger and it drove you nuts because you couldn't get it off? It's that feeling x100. Needless to say I chose my clothes carefully. Yes I know I am weird, but we aren't talking about rational fears here, we are talking about phobias.
Same here SO GLAD to see im not the only one I dont even wear long sleeves Im from philly so when my mom would try to put me in a turtle neck it was WORLD WAR 3.. luckly i live in orlando now so dont have to worry to much about it now.. but trying to layer clothes when i lived in cold places was a nightmare I always couldnt breathe and felt like i was dying and was just on freak out mode till i could get it off. My job wants me to wear a fitted jacket tomorrow NOT HAPPENING

Things around my neck, I have to be careful the top i get because if its too close around my neck I will try pulling on it  to stretch it out, and then eventually freak out and have to take it off.

Also Scorpions. Even dead ones.

Originally Posted by diana16 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

 As someone else posted, jeans that are too skinny lol I hate the super skinny jeans cause I feel like my legs are suffocating.
Originally Posted by Yolanda Horton /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Same here SO GLAD to see im not the only one I dont even wear long sleeves Im from philly so when my mom would try to put me in a turtle neck it was WORLD WAR 3.. luckly i live in orlando now so dont have to worry to much about it now.. but trying to layer clothes when i lived in cold places was a nightmare I always couldnt breathe and felt like i was dying and was just on freak out mode till i could get it off. My job wants me to wear a fitted jacket tomorrow NOT HAPPENING
I am so relieved to know I am not alone. Normally when I tell people about it they look at me like I sprouted a second head. Turtle necks=massive panic attack.
