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Aug 2, 2005
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does anyone know what causes big pores and how to prevent them from getting big? Also how do they get big and WHY!!? i only know that not cleaning your face properly and wearing the wrong/ bad products on your face is bad..anything else?

One thing that I know contributes to large pores is age. Gravity pulls on your face and makes them bigger. I'm thinking of standing on my head to counteract the effects of gravity.

Thank your family for the large pores. They are inherited. Its a skin type not a skin condition and there is no way to shrink them. You can only reduce the appearance. If they cause your skin to be oily just be sure to use the proper cleansing products for oily skin and moisturize!!!!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hope i helped in some way


Yes, unfortunately genetics is the biggest blame. I've tried everything. I have found products that make them appear smaller, but they never really get smaller....uuuggghhh

Wearing foundation with large pores looks terrible... How can you make your facial make-up look smooth?

Clinique has a line of foundation primer type products that really do reduce the appearance of pores. My pores are huge too. I just sort of cope with it. I'm doing home microdermabrasion, which seems to help a little bit.

pore size is inheritated. there's not much you can do abt that

but to keep your skin as clean and oil free as possible. generally,

if your ethnic backround is mediteranean- italian, greek etc...

you have a greater chance of having larger pores. but people

who are of middle eastern backrounds, like me also fall in this

category as well. i try to keep my skin as clean as possible,

especially in my t-zone. some people use a mattifying lotion,

which is suppose to lessen the appearance of large pores.

i don't know how well they work. i've never used them

I also have large pores (though I have pale skin and a German heritage!) and very oily skin. I've never really tried a product specifically made to reduce the size of your pores, but I have tried tons of products for oily skin and nothing seems to work!

Honestly, I am so thrilled that I no longer have as much acne as I used to that I don't even notice my large pores! lol You just have to put things in perspective, I guess

I have heard that some foundation primers are good for making your skin look smoother.... I've never tried one though!

As eveyone said, it has to do with your genetics and the environment you're born in (if you're born into a hot environment, your pores are larger, if you're born into a cold environment, your pores are smaller). I think if you keep your pores clean, then they appear smaller.

Originally Posted by Cheebs As eveyone said, it has to do with your genetics and the environment you're born in (if you're born into a hot environment, your pores are larger, if you're born into a cold environment, your pores are smaller). I think if you keep your pores clean, then they appear smaller. What about the Midwest? It's both hot and cold! lol
Originally Posted by Cheebs As eveyone said, it has to do with your genetics and the environment you're born in (if you're born into a hot environment, your pores are larger, if you're born into a cold environment, your pores are smaller). I think if you keep your pores clean, then they appear smaller. Thanks a lot Houston, Texas!

I have combo skin so my nose, and cheek pores are pretty awful! Not as bad as a lot of people but microdermabrasion and Neutrogena's Pore Refining Cleanser seems to help (it has a bit of a gritty texture) the only problem is that my skin is delicate too so these products can make me red.

my pores have been stretched from too much sun. i don't think anything will make it look the same again except maybe laser resurfacing.

Originally Posted by schuettd Wearing foundation with large pores looks terrible... How can you make your facial make-up look smooth?
I use Smashbox Primer and it does an excellent job at making my foundation smooth out. I have humongy pores on my nose and cheeks. YUK

It can also be caused my skin stretching out from oily pores. So, if you have oily, combo, or acne-prone skin, that's also an explanation. I have large pores too, mainly on my nose. (Thanks dad!) I've heard that Clinique's Pore Minimizing products work well, but I haven't tried them myself. A word of advice: Those Biore Strips DO NOT work. They were messy and frustrating-I would not rec those. I used those for months (it says to see results you have to use them regularly) and they did nothing! Microdermabrasion is what has helped me minimize them. Also, keeping your skin clean and healthy of course. Let me know if you find anything that works though!

Keeping the pores clean by regular exfoliation helps reduce the appearance of pores. Exfoliation removes the gunk stuck in the pores and prevent it from stretching the pores further. Use a good exfoliator or home microdermabrasion.

thank you so much for all the everyone..no all i ahve to do is find a good exfoliator, and try out microdermabrasion! btw i was wondering if there are any ways to completely get rid of the blackheads on my nose..because i think thats what causing the big pores on my nose- -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />-

Originally Posted by schuettd Wearing foundation with large pores looks terrible... How can you make your facial make-up look smooth?
try a primer
Originally Posted by girl_geek What about the Midwest? It's both hot and cold! lol Medium sized? Haha!

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