I was beyond torqued off by the email today that stated no one was double charged. Yes, yes I was. And I have the statement to prove it. It was the same as saying those making duplicate charge claims are lying. Just because they eventually (when called out about it) go back and reverse a charge doesn't mean that the dupe charge didn't happen. And the email went on to say, in what I thought was a snarky tone, that "if you're one of the 10%..." as though anyone still complaining about not getting a box is in such a tiny minority and/or are just impatiently whining. I don't appreciate being condescended to,especially by a retailer who has failed to deliver per the terms of the sale. And what happened to the "we only have 3 CS reps to handle all the inquiries" excuse from just days ago? Did they suddenly hire a team to handle their mess? For that matter I found it beyond unlikely they would only have a CS team of 3 in the first place. I guess they think we're either stupid or gullible. In the end, I'm never impressed with non-apology, apology emails like this one. It had as much an accusatory tone as it did an apologetic one. And trying to guilt trip unhappy customers by making ludicrous claims about their inability to provide decent CS is beyond inappropriate and unprofessional. Let's not forget this isn't some start up being run out of some chick's basement. This is a well established company with a TV program. Inexcusable, period.