Still no box received and still no movement on the Fed Ex page. Just shows a label was created on 11/17 and nothing since then
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Guess I'm going to have to break down and contact CS
I saw this post and was so mad at their response I posted a really nasty reply to them. But I ended up deleting it a half hour later...Now they're saying it's all FedEx's fault and they didn't even know there was a problem until now?
From their FB:
Hi xx, this tracking issue is a result of an error with FedEx, not us. This explains why we weren't able to notify you because we were not aware of the issue until now. We are working with FedEx now to resolve this for you and you should receive tracking information soon. Thank you!
... wat? Very, very odd. I hope they make this right.
I'm not holding my breath for mine either....It took four emails, two Facebook posts, and two Facebook messages... but I FINALLY have a label for my November box. I think my last email was very resolute in that I basically told them that I would go to my credit card company to dispute this charge if I didn't see any sort of action on their part ASAP. It's sad that I had to go to such lengths for a monthly box, but I guess this is where things are with Popsugar now. :/
And even though I used the MSA code for the Kendra Scott necklace, I'm not holding my breath.
Still only a label made!
Edit: messaged them on Facebook because we know that is that only way to get through.
They claim "this issue is due to FedEx not picking up your November box from our warehouse. Your label was created on our end, and was set to ship. We'll be sending you a November box on our end and we hope you enjoy."
My response back was why was my box not picked up, when people with labels created the same day someone got shipped.
For the recored, I used to work in a job where I dealt with fedex daily on mailing a 30-100+ packages daily, they never forgot anything, if I found something I forgot, they would send someone back for it. I call BS on PSMH.
I got a similar response. What a load.Hi all - long (long.) time lurker, first time poster. After this month's shipping issues, I had to finally create a profile and post here. I, like a few of you here, have yet to recieve my November box. I've email multiple times with no response, and called them out on FB twice - since complaining/shaming on social media is apparently the only way to get them to respond.
After weeks of back and forth, I get this today on FB:
Hi *TheFloorIsLava*, there was in an issue with FedEx which resulted in the lack of movement with your November box. We've gone ahead and placed another order for you and we hope that you enjoy!
I'm calling shennanigans. I then replied asking when I could expect my box, if I'd get new shipping info, and if the shipment would be expedited. No response. I don't know what to think anymore. I can't remember the last time I recieved such lousy customer service. And what would have happened if I had sat by quietly, like they instructed, and waited for my box to arrive? Nothing? I like PSMH's boxes (a lot!) but this is so frustrating. </rant>
I agree! I love the book, and since I'm not a cook, I just sneaked a peek. I'm gifting it to someone who I was stumped on for a Christmas present, but I know fancies herself as a gourmet cook. So happy to have one present out of the way!I got my box today and I love it! I probably won't use everything, but I love the variety - home (cookbook, stationery, markers), beauty (hand cream), fashion (wallet), and food (popcorn). It's the perfect mix. I have so many makeup samples that I've gotten rid of all my beauty subs (except for Birchbox). It's really nice to get a well-rounded box filled with useful products, but are things I usually wouldn't buy for myself. A lot of other sub boxes that try to have the same variety are either insanely expensive, filled with dollar store items, or insanely overpriced and filled with things from the dollar store.
The book is my favorite because it's beautiful - the photography is fantastic. It would make a great gift, if I didn't like it so much. I actually love baking, so I may get a lot of use out of this.
This would be my favorite subscription, if not for all the issues lately.
I got my box today and guess what wasn't in it? The necklace. :angry:I'm not holding my breath for mine either....
I've been using mine to label glass Pyrex containers with leftovers! It's nice to just glance in the fridge and see "POTATO SOUP" written in blue. I'm excited to use it for all my thanksgiving/Christmas leftovers. Not sure if it would work on plastic Tupperware though.I just wanted to say before I forget to, that before people who don't like/don't have a use for the wine writers completely write them off---they can also be used on paper. I used mine to write on a note card (from the box), and it shows up the same as non-goopey paint pens, even shows up as metallic still. These would be awesome to write or decorate holiday cards with, or New Years stuff.
This is BS. I ordered from two different companies last week, both ship with FedEx, funny FedEx isn't mucking up my shipments with those two companies. Once the labels were created, within 24 hours there was movement with both packages. Popsugar is full of it.From PS on Facebook.
Hi Melanie, this issue that you encountered is related to FedEx, this explains why your label was created, but hadn't shipped. You'll receive the necklace as well as the box, and tracking information by the end of the week.
Yes let's blame FedEx