POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I complained earlier about PS responding poorly to my stained watch from this box. I was really unhappy about it but they sent me a new watch with two extra bands, just like this! My replacement watch was pink and the two bands were yellow and purple. It took emailing them a few times but they made it right! I am wearing the white watch I'd initially received with the yellow strap and the pink watch with the purple strap (well, just to experiment, bc it would be pretty strange to wear 2 of these watches). It's pretty great. This may actually turn it around for me.
I also got a replacement with 2 extra bands in the mail yesterday. Mine are orange and baby blue. Very happy with this outcome. 

How do you get the watch to light up? I was saving the watch for my Niece for  her birthday, but saw that some people could not get the watches to light up. I tried pushing the button and it didn't work.

My replacement showed up today, the watch is white and the extra bands are red and baby blue! I wanted the white.

Lori there's a little button next to the stem you push and then it lights up, mine would not light up either.

The button on my watch looks loose like it is not in all the way. I tried several times and it won't light up. My problem is that I canceled after the January box. It was my third box plus the luxury box. I could not justify spending the money on it anymore since there hasn't been much in the boxes that I have really loved. I emailed them, so hopefully they will do something about it. That was the one good thing out of the box. I had a birthday gift for my niece. She really liked the watch and wanted it. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh...nooooo....I j ust bought some from Nutsonline today,lol!!

Been looking at them for weeks trying not to order candy with my healthy items...


I have not tried them yet, but everything I ordered has been good and fresh so far...

Originally Posted by MyriadVoices /img/forum/go_quote.gif


I've actually been wishing someone would make the dried marshmallows like you get in Lucky Charms. I'd love to add them to my (healthier) cereal (which defeats the purpose, I know, but at least then I only have one box of cereal)! Definitely the highlight of the box for me! 
Wrong thread! I meant to post on the Feb thread so I'm editing out my post 

Originally Posted by jesemiaud /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I get charged sales tax in Ohio too. It's inevitable...if you are in a state that has sales tax, eventually you will be taxed on your internet purchases.
I may be wrong, but I talked to my husband about this. You are only charged sales Tax online if and only if the company with which you are doing business with has a presence within your state. For example, people who lives in Texas used to not be charged sales tax when purchasing through Amazon... however a few years ago the comptroller told the company that they owed like... 300 something  (don't remember the specific price) million dollars in unpaid taxes from online customers within the state. Amazon argued that they were not located in Texas. The comptroller countered this argument and said that because of a nexus, they could be charged sales tax because they had a physical entity within the state, a warehouse I believe in Fort Worth. so.... Cali is charged sales tax obviously because the business is there... maybe NJ and ohio has a warehouse, or some other type of physical entity that is tied to that company in those states. It would make sense anyway. I'm not charge sales tax, just the $35, but than again, I do not believe Popsugar has any physical entity within this state. Hope this helps!

I tend to agree with your husband...I have never paid tax on an order outside of my own state (IL).  I am paying $37.19 for my box.  I wondered about it as well.

I think some companies are playing it better-safe-than-sorry.  I had better not get charged sales tax on any of my boxes, but that's because I live in a no-sales-tax state, and if a company is trying to charge me sales tax, I would question how well they truly understood what they do and do not collect taxes on, and that would lead to me thinking that they don't know how to run their business or that they're just a bunch of shady creeps.  

But.  I do know that consumers (at least in Washington state) are technically required by law to pay sales tax when bringing purchases that were not taxed at the time of purchase.  If you buy a car (for example) in Oregon and live in Washington, you pay the sales tax when you license your car.  If you buy a computer, jeans, cat food, a washing machine, or anything else that Washington state considers taxable, you are technically supposed to pay sales tax on it even though you bought it in Oregon.  I think the technical term is use tax since it's not collected at time of sale.  You're still supposed to pay it. Very few people even know of this law, though, and even people who *do* know about it have no clue how to track and pay these taxes, so pretty much the only time anyone actually pays the sales tax on an Oregon purchase brought into Washington is when it's a car, and that's pretty much only because of the documentation involved in licensing it.  There was a chunk of time  (late '80s?  early '90s?) when there was a crackdown on people buying cigarettes (huge amounts, like probable resale quantities) at Costco in Portland and then driving back home to the Washington side.  More than one person got pulled over for speeding, got mouthy with the cop, and ended up with a ticket for not paying taxes on the cigarettes that had a higher fine attached than the speeding ticket.  

ANYWAY.  Teal deer.  I should have gone to bed an hour ago.  I sometimes get the feeling that some of these companies have decided that they will just start charging the sales tax now and submit it to the recipients' states just to get ready for the future since it seems destined to happen.

Originally Posted by gejag /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I tend to agree with your husband...I have never paid tax on an order outside of my own state (IL).  I am paying $37.19 for my box.  I wondered about it as well.
IL is one of the states that is trying to collect taxes on internet purchases. Right now it's just on your income tax return but they are trying to change the rules so it's collected at purchase, instead of the "honor" system. Some companies may be charging in states where it's likely to happen.

I know probably no one will see this but I just now tried the popbar hot chocolate and OMG it was amazing. Love the lip balm they sent too.


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