Originally Posted by
meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just received my replacement watch! And I verified: It lights up! I had a feeling that I would get a baby blue replacement for some reason (I originally received a PopSugar pink one), and that would have been fine because that's a color that would go with the hot pink band if I switched it out. Well. This is what I received today:
That band on the left is purple. As far as I have been able to dig up, this set is not actually for sale anywhere (and the faces on the watches they sell now do not have numbers on the faces). I kind of have a feeling the company is trying to move some stock with old branding information since the box and the insert that the watches are wrapped around references Remix Watches all over the place, like remixwatches on Facebook and remixwatches.com, but they have changed over to xwatchco. The website redirects, but remixwatches on Facebook no longer exists. Anyway. So now I have four different bands in my kinds of colors, one watch that lights up, and one that does not. I'm very satisfied with this outcome. Now I just have to get used to wearing watches again!