POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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I agree. I have gotten every box except the first and luxury. Some are better, some are worse, but no two people will love the exact same things. As for the DVD's, I do them both all the time. The Ultimate Butt one is addictive, and makes me cry, but I LOVE it.
I've been around since the first box, and there are definite ups and downs. I'm planning on sticking around as long as funds will allow as well! I got rid of the workout dvds, though, in large part because I don't have a tv, and those sorts of things are hard to use when all you have is a 13" laptop. And I heard back on my broken watch. I was expecting return-for-repair directions, but they're sending a replacement once their next round of inventory arrives. They can't guarantee the same color, but I'm not concerned with that since one of the main points about the watch is interchangeable bands, so I can just swap out the watch face if necessary. Now I just have to be patient for my new watch!
Cool. Just got my box (29th of Jan - annoying) and got blue. Since I'm in nyc I will go to the trades thread and see if local person has black or pink instead. First box, first post. Look forward to next month's box. Plan to go spoiler free unless it takes forever again...

I wish they had earlier shipping, I hate getting this one box so late in the month, I guess that's my only gripe. Not a fan of every single item but I love the variety that I get sent...considering putting the Pilates ball up for trade but it seems like everyone has one already 

Yikes!  So I just checked out the watch website because I was curious how much just the straps cost since you can just pop out the watch itself and swap out bands.  I'm going to be getting a new watch whenever they get their new inventory in, and I know I probably won't get this same color the second time around, but I can just switch bands, and all will be well.  I was still curious how much just the bands cost.  Answer:  $19.95 to $24.95 depending on style!  I'm actually hoping I get a different color now just so I have a second band to change things up since hot pink is my usual color for accessories, lip color, pens, Post-Its, boots -- really, pretty much everything except nails -- but it's sometimes nice to have something different every once in a while.  Like when I'm already wearing a pink shirt.  Contrasting color is a good thing.

(I grew up in the Portland area during the whole Rajneeshpuram thing, so I have A Thing about not dressing in all the same color unless that color is black and I am specifically instructed to do so because I'm volunteering for a film festival event.)

I don't have enough forum posts to be able to post my swap desire: I have the blue watch and would love the black or pink. How can I submit this in swap section?

Originally Posted by inimitable /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My ex was allergic to tea tree oil and reacted the same way when she (accidentally) used a lip balm with it as an ingredient. It was a relatively mild allergy unless she used a lip product.
Thank you for letting me know! I am not alone, lol!

I must say both my roommates are in love with my pilates ball. We are adult women excited like children over this thing! I had fun getting a workout by balancing on the ball as I played video games. One of my roommates uses the ball to stretch out her back.

I just thought of something else tea tree oil is antibacterial so you don't have to worry about bacteria growing in your chapstick as you stick you fingers in it....although I always disinfect my hands before I use mine. 

Does anyone know what the rules are if someone says they are interested in your classified ad item (in this case, the popsugar watch) but then doesn't respond after you send them a message saying it's still available and you want to trade?  I can't tell if I'm just being impatient or what, but I've gotten other offers for a trade since that person PMed me (it has been 2 days).  What has been your experience with the Buy/Sell/Trade forum? How long should I wait before making a trade with someone who is more responsive?

Quote:Originally Posted by lauradiniwilk /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Does anyone know what the rules are if someone says they are interested in your classified ad item (in this case, the popsugar watch) but then doesn't respond after you send them a message saying it's still available and you want to trade?  I can't tell if I'm just being impatient or what, but I've gotten other offers for a trade since that person PMed me (it has been 2 days).  What has been your experience with the Buy/Sell/Trade forum? How long should I wait before making a trade with someone who is more responsive?

Personally, if it has been 2-3 days and I can see that the person has been online since the last time I messaged them ... I'd probably just move on to the next person.
I canceled my box because I'm on a tight budget right now :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> oh how I'll miss you popsugar........

I just got my first box and then had to cancel because I'm on a tight budget the next few months WAHHH!  I wasn't that thrilled with the products, I'm vegan and it was mostly food that I can't eat, but I know that because I had to cancel next month will be awesome and I'll be having major box envy!!!

Am I the only one that LOVED the marshmallow bits?!?! I gotta be honest and say that it was a definite high point of the box for me :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was a bit of a pig and munched on them without even making the hot chocolate sticks. I've already broken down and bought 2 other containers of it. They actually have several different flavors.

Originally Posted by wldflowur13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Am I the only one that LOVED the marshmallow bits?!?! I gotta be honest and say that it was a definite high point of the box for me :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was a bit of a pig and munched on them without even making the hot chocolate sticks. I've already broken down and bought 2 other containers of it. They actually have several different flavors.
i LOVE the marshamallow bits! I've had them before the box & they're awesome. Now I can have a some hot chocolate with my marshmallows. 
  I didn't see the other flavors though! I will have to try those out too. 

My lips didn't burn with the balm, but it is definitely not a balm that I like!

Originally Posted by wldflowur13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Am I the only one that LOVED the marshmallow bits?!?! I gotta be honest and say that it was a definite high point of the box for me :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was a bit of a pig and munched on them without even making the hot chocolate sticks. I've already broken down and bought 2 other containers of it. They actually have several different flavors.
Sad but true... the Marshmallows and the Chocopops (?) were my favorite things in this box, since I already have a ball and did not care for the megawatch...and I wrote on the PopSugar survey that food items is what I want the least!   

Originally Posted by wldflowur13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Am I the only one that LOVED the marshmallow bits?!?! I gotta be honest and say that it was a definite high point of the box for me :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was a bit of a pig and munched on them without even making the hot chocolate sticks. I've already broken down and bought 2 other containers of it. They actually have several different flavors.
Lol...I've also bought two more containers and they are gone! Although it was my kids who devoured most of them, I did have a mug or two of some cocoa that I threw them in. Yum!  They were only $1.49 at our grocery store, so I don't think they added much value to the box, but there were fun.

I like how the balm makes my lips feel but the smell is awful!  I pumped up the ball today.  I like it but wish it would of came with directions.  Loved the Hot chocolate pops they were yummy.  I got the black watch. I would never wear something so huge.  I liked 2 of the 3 bars...lol they are gone already. 


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