POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by JamieRene /img/forum/go_quote.gif

HA! That's awesome. Well, I JUST checked my tracking. We should get our boxes on Friday! I can't wait! And yes, small world! How awesome.
My box is out for delivery today!  Hopefully yours made it to the PO as well and is on it's way to you!  I can't wait to get home from work, now ... 

I love that their email to me said "Keep an eye out for a shipment in the coming days, if you have not received it already!"

Meanwhile, it's been NINE days since then. LOL. They make it sound like everyone is going to get the box in a day or two.

Hoping I get a good color for the watch! Not sure which I'll like best until I see it on my arm. I wear a lot of black and gray so most will look ok with my clothes. 
I am so disappointed in the box! My first one. This is the email I just sent to PopSugar. Sigh.

Hello to the good folk at PopSugar,   I am a new subscriber, having subscribed in December, and just received my January box. I just wanted to write in to express my utter disappointment in the box. Having seen the earlier boxes, I was really excited about subscribing, and saved up to treat myself for the next three months. Oh how sadly I would be let down.    First off, I understand the idea of having a themed box, and obviously January's theme was health. But if it was health, why was there a box of marshmallows in there??? That too, Kraft grocery-store marshmallows. Ugh. I expected stuff from cutesy boutiques, and small stores, instead of big-box goodies that would be better for kids than me. This will either be tossed or given away.   The Pilates ball was nice, but it took up the entire box, and everything else in there seemed like an afterthought. It's also catering to a very specific demographic - people who work, and more specifically, people who do Pilates. I am 8 months pregnant and don't do either. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So sadly, I will be giving that away.    The watch. Where do I begin? It is ghastly. It is hot pink. It is huge. I would think you would try to understand your audience a bit better. I'm hoping most women who subscribe to these boxes are professional, chic, fashionable women who wouldn't be caught dead in a plastic-y watch like that. I really don't know what to do with this? I wouldn't even give it away. Probably just thrown away. Sigh.    The granola bars. A nice touch - but this company also recently had a recall on their bars for salmonella. Now I understand that the batch you sent out doesn't fall under the recall, but I would think it might be a little too soon to use that same company. There is no way I'm eating bars from a company that so recently had a salmonella problem. 
So that leaves me with the hot chocolate sticks and the lip balm. For my $35 worth, that's what I get. I'm so upset I want to cry. I wish I hadn't been bumped up to received the January box, and had just simply started my subscription from February (when it was supposed to start). I have been recommending PopSugar to all my friends, but I take that all back. I feel cheated. 

Originally Posted by casey anne /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ditto!!!  No white for me please!!!!
Really?  I'm kind of hoping for a neutral color. Although I think of this as more of a causal item so I could wear a brighter color too.  I kinda like that there are different colors, that adds to the fun.

was surprised to see my box delivered today - thought it wouldn't arrive until tomorrow.  i'm not super excited.

got a light blue watch - the only color i DIDN'T want. it will probably go up for trade. would happily take pink or black.

  i already have a stability ball.
tough to find a lot of value when you're disappointed with the 2 most expensive items that were sent.

Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Really?  I'm kind of hoping for a neutral color. Although I think of this as more of a causal item so I could wear a brighter color too.  I kinda like that there are different colors, that adds to the fun.
I wear close to zero white.  I prefer gray when it comes to neutrals.  White and my pale, Wisconsin skin do not work well together...I'm excited though to see what color comes!!

Just got my box! Now that it is in my hands, I LOVE everything. Reading spoilers, I really didn't watch a white watch, but that is what came, and now that I am wearing it, I love it. The only other color I would have worn would have been pink, but I wear a lot of red (gotta support my hockey team), and pink wouldn't have worked. People dreading white, it is really cool and mod in person, so even if that is what you end up with, it rocks.

Newbie question here (feel free to delete / move /etc) -- I'm trying to figure out where the "trade" boards are? I searched and saw some trade boards for birchbox -- is there one specifically for PopSugar?

And is it only to swap "like for like" (e.g. to change a color of an item) -- or can I swap an item for something TOTALLY different (e.g. skincare)?

While I *did* get my watch in the only color I found even remotely acceptable, black, it's still way too big / juvenile looking for me, and the disco light-show is bizarre. Am I seriously supposed to wear this to a client meeting, or to a fundraiser, or a cocktail party? Please. It doesn't have any fitness functionality, so it's not even good for the gym.  

I'm SO confused by their selection this item, since their previous accessories -- that stunning brokedown scarf, or that delicate leather wrap bracelet in totally on-trend autumn colors -- were so elegant in style. And the Bodum mugs were the ultimate in practical ("clear" goes with every decor! you can't go wrong!) good taste. THIS item just does NOT  fit the brand sensibility.  I wonder if Lisa Sugar picked this, or if some 16-year old intern was in charge in putting this together in december, when -- it would appear! -- the rest of the office was CLEARLY on vacation and left some kid in charge? 

Sorry to be so grumpy; just being honest. Had previous boxes been like this, then *I'm* the silly one for still subscribing, but the brand so far has been very "elegant", so this box is a complete head-scratcher.  xoxo

I just ate one of the bars (caramel chocolate with mixed nuts) and I thought it was pretty good. Crunchy and nutty (who would have thought). While I stand by my earlier comment of them not being exciting, my newest gripe is that WHY are they possibly called 'think thin' with 190 calories and 12g fat for a skinny little crunch bar?! I get the 9g of protein, but it's so misleading to think that they are truly a healthy snack. Might as well have had a candy bar (and it would have tasted better). By no means am I an overly healthy eater, but I get annoyed at marketing tactics when the facts don't stand up.   This is more of a complaint about the bars themselves, not popsugar's choice of them...  I'll still eat them, but I can't trick myself into thinking it's a great choice deserving the name 'think thin'.  Okay, hungry girl rant over


Originally Posted by cuddlypenguin /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Newbie question here (feel free to delete / move /etc) -- I'm trying to figure out where the "trade" boards are? I searched and saw some trade boards for birchbox -- is there one specifically for PopSugar?

And is it only to swap "like for like" (e.g. to change a color of an item) -- or can I swap an item for something TOTALLY different (e.g. skincare)?

While I *did* get my watch in the only color I found even remotely acceptable, black, it's still way too big / juvenile looking for me, and the disco light-show is bizarre. Am I seriously supposed to wear this to a client meeting, or to a fundraiser, or a cocktail party? Please. It doesn't have any fitness functionality, so it's not even good for the gym.  

I'm SO confused by their selection this item, since their previous accessories -- that stunning brokedown scarf, or that delicate leather wrap bracelet in totally on-trend autumn colors -- were so elegant in style. And the Bodum mugs were the ultimate in practical ("clear" goes with every decor! you can't go wrong!) good taste. THIS item just does NOT  fit the brand sensibility.  I wonder if Lisa Sugar picked this, or if some 16-year old intern was in charge in putting this together in december, when -- it would appear! -- the rest of the office was CLEARLY on vacation and left some kid in charge? 

Sorry to be so grumpy; just being honest. Had previous boxes been like this, then *I'm* the silly one for still subscribing, but the brand so far has been very "elegant", so this box is a complete head-scratcher.  xoxo
Could not agree more!!!!!!!!

Same here! Oddly enough, perhaps that makes us triplets. Mine was already flashing before I took it out of the box... hopefully that's normal. One would think they would put a paper-slit for the user to "activate" it.
Triplets!! That's even better ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I actually had a bit of a hard time getting it to flash but then it kept doing so at random times! I actually gifted it (I already wear a watch with sentimental value) and the giftee loved it so I'm happy.
My white item had a stain on it in the packaging. Like a gray splotch. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I emailed them so we will see what happens. I think it's kind of fun otherwise. The kind of thing I would use to entertain my husband or kid with flashing lights. But not really fashion. I could see myself using it at my office to have a secret disco party when my door is closed. Haha.

I got a black one. I already have a black rubber watch somewhere. But who knows, maybe I'll like this one.

I like the box more than I thought I would actually. For my first month's box, I'm pretty happy.

I got the blue watch, and the bars weren't too bad actually.  I already have a pilates ball, but another is always nice.
The box finally reached me in the NW:)
I don't have the other months' boxes to compare but have seen them all; I think this box is okay; not the best or the worst. I got the black watch, would be nice to get color but at least this will go with all my fitness gear; I have a lot of fitness equipment but not a ball this big so it may be useful and my kids enjoyed the food items minus the bars that have been recalled; those will probably go to garbage( just can't bring myself to eat them or give them to my family just in case) The lip balm feels like an afterthought to me; all in all neutral about this box and will stick around for a couple more months to see what's ahead:)
I am so disappointed in the box! My first one. This is the email I just sent to PopSugar. Sigh.
Hello to the good folk at PopSugar,   I am a new subscriber, having subscribed in December, and just received my January box. I just wanted to write in to express my utter disappointment in the box. Having seen the earlier boxes, I was really excited about subscribing, and saved up to treat myself for the next three months. Oh how sadly I would be let down.    First off, I understand the idea of having a themed box, and obviously January's theme was health. But if it was health, why was there a box of marshmallows in there??? That too, Kraft grocery-store marshmallows. Ugh. I expected stuff from cutesy boutiques, and small stores, instead of big-box goodies that would be better for kids than me. This will either be tossed or given away.   The Pilates ball was nice, but it took up the entire box, and everything else in there seemed like an afterthought. It's also catering to a very specific demographic - people who work, and more specifically, people who do Pilates. I am 8 months pregnant and don't do either. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So sadly, I will be giving that away.    The watch. Where do I begin? It is ghastly. It is hot pink. It is huge. I would think you would try to understand your audience a bit better. I'm hoping most women who subscribe to these boxes are professional, chic, fashionable women who wouldn't be caught dead in a plastic-y watch like that. I really don't know what to do with this? I wouldn't even give it away. Probably just thrown away. Sigh.    The granola bars. A nice touch - but this company also recently had a recall on their bars for salmonella. Now I understand that the batch you sent out doesn't fall under the recall, but I would think it might be a little too soon to use that same company. There is no way I'm eating bars from a company that so recently had a salmonella problem.    So that leaves me with the hot chocolate sticks and the lip balm. For my $35 worth, that's what I get. I'm so upset I want to cry. I wish I hadn't been bumped up to received the January box, and had just simply started my subscription from February (when it was supposed to start). I have been recommending PopSugar to all my friends, but I take that all back. I feel cheated. 
This is the perfect time for you to use the largest item!
i have four kids and sitting on an exercise ball is the most comfortable thing late in pregnancy, and even in the delivery room they will have you sit on an almost identical birthing ball. After my babies were born, it was a comfortable place to sit and gently bounce them. Give the ball a try!
I just received my January box (much later in the month than ever before) and I am so disappointed! When I first saw the watch I thought that perhaps it had some functionality for working out but no, it's just a gimmicky plastic watch. I couldn't even wear it ironically at work. It looks like it's more suitable for a 12-year-old and I don't know any 12-year-olds! I already have a stability ball but I get the thought that went into that as a very useful workout tool. However, the marshmallows are cheap and full of sugar (not what I need right now after the holidays!). And more lip balm (didn't we just get lip balm in last month's box?) All in all a big disappointment. Late and a box of stuff I don't want:( Another month like this and I'll be cancelling my subscription.


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