POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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It took me about half an hour to inflate my stability ball with the pump that was included in the box, but now I'm using it as my desk chair. So far, I really like this box!

I will be trading my watch (received the pink one) and epicuren lip balm if anyone is interested! 

Just picked up my box from the mailroom! Felt pretty heavy so I thought for a second I got bonus stuff or something. Not the case, I'm just a weakling.

I received the watch in hot pink/fuschia. I'm really not fond of the color, but that's just my style I guess. Otherwise I'm into the oversized look, even though on my wrist it's extraordinarily big! I should post a picture because it's downright humorous ... I've already eaten half the jar of little marshmallows because they are EXACTLY the flavor of the little marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> might have to pour them on my Cheerios tomorrow morning. I'm not sure about the lip balm .. the smell/flavor was surprisingly strong! I think it will grow on me, but I certainly can't get enough moisturization right now as the cold, dry air (5 degrees today) is killing my skin and lips. Going from others' posts, I'm still concerned about the recall on the think thin bars....  I like getting a little food treat in the box (ie the peppermint poles last month were GREAT) but this is just too much. I feel like I could've gotten these bars and stuff for a buck each and they don't seem too exciting.
Overall, an okay box. I liked last month's much better. 

I received a

pink watch
and would like to trade for a

white or blank one.
How would I go about doing this? Would I need to post in another thread for that? Are there requirements in order to trade? Thanks for any input on this.

HA! That's awesome. Well, I JUST checked my tracking. We should get our boxes on Friday! I can't wait! And yes, small world! How awesome.


thanks,  I think it needed to warm up a bit - (-5 degrees here)  It sat outside all day.  I think its gonna take two days to inflate it!
I could have sworn I read somewhere that you're supposed to inflate it, let it sit for a day at room temperature, and then top it off.
Haha wxhailey!  I thought the box was heavy too.  I totally agree with the bars just not being exciting.  I don't care how they taste, I just don't get excited about stuff like that.

I am excited to get the ball but I really have no idea what to do with it.  I think I'll try out the chair idea.  Thanks emeline!

I finally received my box today. It is actually my favorite box yet.

Thankfully, I received the black watch. Pretty much the only color I would ever wear. I don't often use watches, but I can see this getting use at the shooting range (no cell reception and I keep my phone in the car anyhow). It is over-sized on my wrist and very cool looking.

I've actually been meaning to try the Think Thin brand but never got around to it. Now I can. I ate the crunch bar first thing and then panicked reading this thread. Everything is ok, though. The dates on my bar are outside the "danger" range. I liked the bar, and I'll keep them in mind if I'm ever in the need for a quick snack that can easily travel.

The hot cocoa bars look fun, and I appreciate that I can use non-dairy milk with them. I'll be giving away the mini marshmallows. Just not my thing.

I had contemplated buying a stability ball a few times in the recent past. I'm really happy this one was included, because it is an incentive to be more active at home.

Finally, I am in love with the Epicuren after bath moisturizer I received in the Luxury box. I have high hopes for this lip balm. It makes me happy that the ingredients are better than the last lip balm we got. The scent seems a bit strong, but it will be nice to have something toss in my bag on days where I don't want to use my normal Fresh Sugar balms.
My delivery date is set to the 26th, which means my PO will hold on to it until the middle of next week 
 I'm just so eager to see what color of watch I get!

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My box arrived!

I got the watch in black - it's very sleek looking but not my style. I'll be posting it in my trade thread probably tomorrow and would love a pink, purple, or gray one if anyone's interested!
I guess our boxes were traveling twins ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I got the same color. I ended up gifting it immediately so I won't be trading.
I got the white watch and was a little hesitant about wearing it because it looks HUGE on me. I ended up wearing it to work yesterday and got tons of compliments!

I'm also very excited about the stability ball because we're doing a Biggest Loser competition at work and I'll be able to use the ball with the Biggest Loser Xbox workout we have at work (yes, I work at an awesome company). Overall I'm really happy with this month's box!
Originally Posted by martianeskimo /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I guess our boxes were traveling twins ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I got the same color. I ended up gifting it immediately so I won't be trading.
Same here! Oddly enough, perhaps that makes us triplets. Mine was already flashing before I took it out of the box... hopefully that's normal. One would think they would put a paper-slit for the user to "activate" it.

My box arrived at the local post office today - 5.0 pounds.  I hope I get a black or white watch, but I'd be happy with pink too.  I really like this box, but would definitely be disappointed if I already had a stability ball.  I kind of feel like it's one of those things that most of the target market for this box would already have?  It's actually pretty odd that I don't have one yet...but I guess I do now!  Also, the person who said they will use their marshmallows for bribery made me laugh - I had the exact same thought for my 3 year old!  

This is my very first popsugar must haves box.  If even one box is as good as september (the brokedown scarf, cabana glam, movie tickets, etc) I will feel like my money was well spent.  I actually recently went and bought that scarf using the popsugar code and it still works!  The scarf is AMAZEBALLS and I am going to see if I can get the code to work again if the purple or black ever go on sale.   

It's funny. People are complaining about the watch being too juevenile, but my 61 year old mother is wearing hers today.  It isn't booty shorts, it is a watch. Rock it, and no one will care.

I got the white watch. I am not a fan of it at all. I always wear one everyday and loved over sized ones, but to me, this one looks cheap and juvenile as others have said. Not something I could get away with wearing to the office every day. Maybe I can wear it to the gym, but I hate wearing one while working out. Oh well, you can't love everything!

I got my box yesterday and got the white watch. I think it would be the color I prefer the most, but it shows every bit of dirt or dust on it. Even though it's over sized I think it's cute and am currently wearing it.

As for the we have phones who wears watches anymore comment. I think it's all about style and what you do. When you go out for a run or exercising you probably don't want your phone on you. Wearing a watch is nice and simple without having to worry about pockets. And this one has a great material for sweat. I also work with kids and when we are outside I can bring my phone for the time, but a watch is much easier.

Anyways. Not sure what I think about the rest of the box really. Too many food items if you ask me. They are more then half the box and if I wanted to subscribe to a food service I would have. Not to say that I don't like food items, just not one that makes up most of my box. The bars will be good for snacking at work and the hot cocoa will be nice, but otherwise I really wish we got even one more item instead of 3 bars or hot cocoa items.

The ball I might use, but really not sure. I think it's nice for working out and it's a good goal, but I honestly don't know how much I will use it.

Lip balm is meh for me. While I use tons of lip balm, being a none food item in this box idk, I just wish we had more. In another box with more variety I think I might have appreciated it more.

Overall not the best box, but it's not the worst either.
We've had one of these balls for a long time and my husband and I usually use it to stretch our backs! Lay on it on your back and rock back and forth. Feels amazing!


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