POPSUGAR Must Have February 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It might be their right not to offer it, just as it is everyone's right to have whatever feelings they have about the items they get. It isn't your place to police anyone's comments or complaints. Your post WAS shaming. "As long as you're trying..."  "You should try to be healthier..." It is no one's place to tell anyone else what to do with or how to feel about their body. Period.

Also, this is from Popsugar's FAQ:

Q: Do you need personal information such as my sizing? At this time we do not need this information. You will be able to update your account with this information should it be needed in the future.
So given that, it is reasonable to assume that they will not be sending out sized items, and therefore, it's fair for some to be disappointed if they get something that doesn't fit.
I just want to thank you very much for this eloquent response. As someone who most likely won't fit these items, and who happens to be very happy with my size and my health, I've been struggling to come up with a response to these types of comments. Yours hit the mark. And as you point out...even if I weren't happy, it's no one's place to tell me I shouldn't be. Again, thank you.

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Got my shipping e-mail. Hopefully I get the box this week! 
Me too...hoping for the same. Please get here by the weekend!!

I just got my shipping conf. Says it left Sacramento on Saturday. Hmm. I wonder where it is since it hasn't updated?? I'd assume it'd be to San Diego by today if it departed Saturday!
mine said it left Sacramento on Saturday. hasn't updated since. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thanks! I realize that some people feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. 

Even if I am considered plus size on top because of my chest and my bone structure there is nothing I can do about it. That's the whole point I was getting at earlier. I actually work out several times a week and don't drink soda or eat fast food and to be honest I hate chocolate-when we get chocolate I end up giving it to my sister! I will also point out to the people that posted about how americans are letting themselves go etc.... I work for one of the largest Children's hospitals in the country in a Surgery Clinic and one of my surgeons has been featured on the Today Show several times because he performs Gastric Bypass and has done amazing things in his field and is widely known across the country. So I am a perfect example of someone who is in great shape yet still doesn't fit in the "one size fits all/most" category. I guess the 17 years of swim team and 9 years of volleyball did me in.....

So excited!! I won't get mine until at least Friday! Now that I know what's in there I want...today! Spoiler queens on this site :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was super bummed when I found out about the undies but overall its not a bad box.

It is a well balanced box and I am excited to receive everything.

I just don't think it was a good idea for them to send undies that are suppose to fit most/all. 

Intimate clothing is suppose to remain intimate for example if they would have sent out a one size fits all bra its the same with the undies they sent.

The spa wrap is another story even if it doesn't fit me I will make it work...it can still be used :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I understand the reason why they sent out sexy undies for Valentines day :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> lol but for the money you are spending and then not being able to use an item(s) its a bigger disappointment then over a Birchbox or Ipsy. 

I totally get what you are saying. On top of that forget how big around we are, does anyone really think that with the wide range of heights of the ladies receiving this box, that we all need the same length spa wrap? I'm short, and don't really want it hanging below my knees, but I'm sure the tall girls don't want their rear hanging out, even if they have nice new Hanky Pankys on their rear. 

ETA: this was in reply to  KaraAnn0722

I'm going to chime in here, on the weight discussion, even though I should prolly keep my yap shut, because to an extent, it overlaps with my previous field of work (psychology).

Yes. People should strive to be healthier. That's utterly a given. And most unhealthily overweight people *do* struggle to lead healthier lifestyles. However, many have underlying emotional/psychological issues that often limit their success. In many cases, it's a matter of undeveloped or incorrect coping skills in dealing with stress. In others, it's co-morbid with other psychological issues, for example, depression. I don't advocate everyone rushing off to therapy, by any means, but most times, the most successful diet plans involve counselling for a reason.

I strongly believe that if someone's having a hard time overcoming poor eating/lifestyle habits, it's often *very* helpful to see a therapist in determining *why* those habits are so prevalent and so difficult to overcome. There's usually an underlying psychological issue.

In other cases (such as my hubby's), it's simply not having a good plan. Simply limiting sweets isn't the answer. Nor is the average approach ~ starving oneself or drastically limiting their caloric intake. In my hubby's case, he drastically limited his carb consumption ~ which resulted in not a vicious lack of energy, but also health problems. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's easy to say that we should live healthier lifestyles. It's another, completely different thing to actually succeed at it.

I know I'll likely get flamed for this post ~ especially by people who *have* scrimped on calories and brought their weight down successfully. That's great. Seriously (no sarcasm intended). But as Lewis Black says, "We're all special little snowflakes." What worked for *you* most likely won't work for the majority of the population. If it would, there wouldn't be oodles of different diets and the world would be full of skinny people.

Just MHO. I'm gonna do the smart thing and shut up now.

Originally Posted by BeachBoheme /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm going to chime in here, on the weight discussion, even though I should prolly keep my yap shut, because to an extent, it overlaps with my previous field of work (psychology).

Yes. People should strive to be healthier. That's utterly a given. And most unhealthily overweight people *do* struggle to lead healthier lifestyles. However, many have underlying emotional/psychological issues that often limit their success. In many cases, it's a matter of undeveloped or incorrect coping skills in dealing with stress. In others, it's co-morbid with other psychological issues, for example, depression. I don't advocate everyone rushing off to therapy, by any means, but most times, the most successful diet plans involve counselling for a reason.

I strongly believe that if someone's having a hard time overcoming poor eating/lifestyle habits, it's often *very* helpful to see a therapist in determining *why* those habits are so prevalent and so difficult to overcome. There's usually an underlying psychological issue.

In other cases (such as my hubby's), it's simply not having a good plan. Simply limiting sweets isn't the answer. Nor is the average approach ~ starving oneself or drastically limiting their caloric intake. In my hubby's case, he drastically limited his carb consumption ~ which resulted in not a vicious lack of energy, but also health problems. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's easy to say that we should live healthier lifestyles. It's another, completely different thing to actually succeed at it.

I know I'll likely get flamed for this post ~ especially by people who *have* scrimped on calories and brought their weight down successfully. That's great. Seriously (no sarcasm intended). But as Lewis Black says, "We're all special little snowflakes." What worked for *you* most likely won't work for the majority of the population. If it would, there wouldn't be oodles of different diets and the world would be full of skinny people.

Just MHO. I'm gonna do the smart thing and shut up now.
Yep, it's not always as simple as some people like to make it out to be. Everyone's fighting some kind of fight, be it with their body or something else, and it's not okay for people to shame others for their physical appearance under the guise of "concern". If it was as simple as not eating junk and not sitting around all day, I wouldn't struggle with my weight as I have my entire life. And I've come to terms with it and I'm no longer super sensitive about the topic, but I feel super protective of those who are, because I know how much it hurts.

Something like this box should be a fun surprise you get every month, not something that has the potential to make you feel like crap because you can't fit into something that is supposedly "one size fits all"...so I hope those who can't fit aren't too bothered, and those who are bothered get taken care of by CS.

Sorry for the poor lighting and terrible pic but my iPad takes horrible photos. If anyone wants pics of specific items just let me know.

The picture on instagram had

 Conversation hearts. I wonder why that wasnt mentioned before?

they are actually my favorite candy so im pretty excited
I'm starting to get really excited about this box. Definitely what I had in mind for the month of February!


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