Originally Posted by
BeachBoheme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm going to chime in here, on the weight discussion, even though I should prolly keep my yap shut, because to an extent, it overlaps with my previous field of work (psychology).
Yes. People should strive to be healthier. That's utterly a given. And most unhealthily overweight people *do* struggle to lead healthier lifestyles. However, many have underlying emotional/psychological issues that often limit their success. In many cases, it's a matter of undeveloped or incorrect coping skills in dealing with stress. In others, it's co-morbid with other psychological issues, for example, depression. I don't advocate everyone rushing off to therapy, by any means, but most times, the most successful diet plans involve counselling for a reason.
I strongly believe that if someone's having a hard time overcoming poor eating/lifestyle habits, it's often *very* helpful to see a therapist in determining *why* those habits are so prevalent and so difficult to overcome. There's usually an underlying psychological issue.
In other cases (such as my hubby's), it's simply not having a good plan. Simply limiting sweets isn't the answer. Nor is the average approach ~ starving oneself or drastically limiting their caloric intake. In my hubby's case, he drastically limited his carb consumption ~ which resulted in not a vicious lack of energy, but also health problems.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
It's easy to say that we should live healthier lifestyles. It's another, completely different thing to actually succeed at it.
I know I'll likely get flamed for this post ~ especially by people who *have* scrimped on calories and brought their weight down successfully. That's great. Seriously (no sarcasm intended). But as Lewis Black says, "We're all special little snowflakes." What worked for *you* most likely won't work for the majority of the population. If it would, there wouldn't be oodles of different diets and the world would be full of skinny people.
Just MHO. I'm gonna do the smart thing and shut up now.