POPSUGAR Must Have February 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think I actually *will* read the book the same way I used to read _Cosmo_ before I injured my eyes by rolling them I incessantly: drunk off my ass. It will be a good reason to plow through all of the wine in the fridge that I keep forgetting I have.

Originally Posted by tivoli92 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i can totally see how this box would be unappealing to some, but i'm really excited! trying to do a little price break down:

Spa Wrap: $84 https://www.brokedownclothing.com/buy-now/spa-wrap-white

Hanky Panky: $20 http://www.hankypanky.com/Rolled-Signature-Lace-Low-Rise-Thong
Mariebelle chocolates: i can't actually find the box, but given this website, i think it's around $20? http://www.urbanspoon.com/cities/3-new-york/restaurants/1428659-mariebelle/menu
Revlon just bitten stain: about $8 http://www.target.com/p/revlon-just-bitten-kissable-balm-stain/-/A-14081497?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=%7C14081262&CPNG=Health+Beauty&kpid=14081262&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=14081262
Jewelry cleanser: $8 http://www.amazon.com/Connoisseurs-Quick-Jewelry-Cleansing-Gel/sim/B000Q9XET4/2
Safe Haven book: about $8 if paper back, $15 if hard cover http://www.amazon.com/Safe-Haven-Nicholas-Sparks/dp/0446547573/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1360606755&sr=1-1&keywords=safe+haven
so depending on a couple variations and the chocolate, the value of this box is about $150? Did I do the math wrong because that would be an incredible value!!!
This is the box that will keep me as a subscriber..... Full size, pricey items to try, good variety. Incredible value! 

I wonder if The jewelry cleaner was included with the tarnished Wonder Woman Cuff from the luxury box in mind!  
Happy Valentine's Day to me - can't wait! 

Originally Posted by rwoody1234 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
havent got my box yet, but i am excited for it. i think theyare doing a great job picking items month after month, unfortunetly there is always negativity about whats in the box, not everyone is going to be happy but i think many people are expecting the world from this box. i have no problem with them sending items that try to cover such a wide range, and one size fits all items are fine with me, although more than anything i find it annoying to hear everyone complain about it, to say it bluntly if one cannot fit into a one size fits all item, perhaps one should look at their diet and lifestyle. it is sad that americans are growing bigger and bigger and complain about not being about to fit into clothes that encompass all average healthy adult body types.
oh my...I was with you till the end...I know all that first amendment crap, but there is also such thing as tact.  I would think you would already be prepared for all the negative feedback I anticipate your comment will generate, so I won't add to it.  What I will say however, is that I do agree that it probably wasn't the best move for PS to include a sized item-even if it's OSFA- as there is no such thing as OSFA in this day and age.  If PS is leaning toward this in the future, it would probably be wise to allow us to update our profiles with sizing info, or allow those of us who fear not being able to fit into the items an alternative.  The US is predominantly overweight and I agree that we have adopted some poor lifestyle habits overall, however it is very ignorant to say that anyone who doesn't fit into the constraints of a manufacturer's idea of  "One Size Fits All" is unhealthy or needs to make lifestyle changes.  We are all made differently.  My sister in law is a professional body builder with 3% body fat (literally) and because of her height and muscle mass, would not fit into most OSFA attire.  So please, just because you may be lucky enough to fall into the OSFA category, do not judge others circumstances which prevent them from doing so as well,  

I think unless they start getting size info, POPSUGAR has no choice but to shoot for the average american female size ranges in all of these categories. Even if they pulled size info, it would still be off for some, that is just the nature of it. 

I am delighted with what they are sending this month.  I am amazed at how often they get it "right" for me. When I think of all of the presents that I have received from those who know me well, that have not come close, it makes that achievement all that more impressive.

I can tell you this, I would not want their job.  It has to be one heck of a challenge

Originally Posted by arp2489 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

NOOOO don't let that ruin the website for you. 
 Don't let comments like that phase you; not worth the time or energy. 

And you are so lucky you are 6'. I'm 5'2..I'm basically a hobbit. 
Next to me, you are tall! I'm 4'10. 

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think unless they start getting size info, POPSUGAR has no choice but to shoot for the average american female size ranges in all of these categories. Even if they pulled size info, it would still be off for some, that is just the nature of it. 

I am delighted with what they are sending this month.  I am amazed at how often they get it "right" for me. When I think of all of the presents that I have received from those who know me well, that have not come close, it makes that achievement all that more impressive.

I can tell you this, I would not want their job.  It has to be one heck of a challenge
Although the sizing may be off for me, I really like everything they chose this month. Definitely for V-Day! 

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I can tell you this, I would not want their job.  It has to be one heck of a challenge
I agree. You simply cannot please everyone. 

Okay seriously can I just allow myself to resist spoilers for one month?!? I'm personally excited for this box and know that if I don't like anything I can still give it away as a really nice gift. Totally worth the money this month!

Originally Posted by crburros /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Right? I've never heard so many plows in a neighborhood before. Did you get Saturday's mail either?
Nope! We only got Friday's mail..and since I live in a condo, we weren't able to physically get to the mailbox until yesterday haha. 

So, I'm sure I have a bagillion packages arriving today, tomorrow & wednesday...

I'm sure UPS, FedEx, USPS...are just gonna love me...

Originally Posted by jesemiaud /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Next to me, you are tall! I'm 4'10. 
This is probably the first time I've been considered tall in my life 

I've been telling my boyfriend all day how I was waiting on the spoilers. He asked me what I discoverd and I sent him a list. He thought that safe haven was a type of antivirus software!!! Hahahahaha

I hope I get the brokedown wrap in white or pink! Black would be okay, but please not the blue!!

I am actually really hoping that it isn't the spa wrap. Even if it did fit me, which, I'm guessing it won't, I honestly would never use it, plus I find the majority of "Brokedown" items to be a bit gaudy.
Not a fan of Sparks either, although maybe I'll read it just to remind myself how his version of romance doesn't exist in the real world.
The rest of the items though... liking the sound of those.
Seeing as how this is my first box, I may not continue with Popsugar.

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think unless they start getting size info, POPSUGAR has no choice but to shoot for the average american female size ranges in all of these categories. Even if they pulled size info, it would still be off for some, that is just the nature of it. 

I am delighted with what they are sending this month.  I am amazed at how often they get it "right" for me. When I think of all of the presents that I have received from those who know me well, that have not come close, it makes that achievement all that more impressive.

I can tell you this, I would not want their job.  It has to be one heck of a challenge

See, I just think they should use size info if they are going to send sized items...while I agree, it still wouldn't be perfect, they'd probably save themselves a lot of CS grief, and customers some frustration. Because those who get it and can't wear it will surely be calling/emailing, and I'm sure some will be really upset...because size is such a sensitive issue for some.

If I got the box, I'd be bummed that it didn't fit, but it wouldn't be a huge deal, I'd just gift them. BUT as another member mentioned above, it could feel like a slap in the face to someone who was already feeling sensitive about their body. And it's not just the far ends of the plus sizes that could be excluded from this...I believe the average American woman is size 12-14 right now, so a product that fits sizes 2-12 is barely covering the current average. (And it doesn't matter how you or I feel about the fact that this is the average...ideal or not, this is where we are.)

It just might be easier for all if they would include a voucher for the product instead of the product itself in cases like this.

Unless they were to simply include a disclaimer that states that sized items may be included, and the sizes will be those that fit the average size, or something of that nature.

Just got my official shipping email and checked my box is Out for Delivery! Super excited hoping my mail guy comes soon since it seems hes running late today!

Originally Posted by Beauty-Flawed /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just got my official shipping email and checked my box is Out for Delivery! Super excited hoping my mail guy comes soon since it seems hes running late today!
Yay! Post a pic if you can! :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by Beauty-Flawed /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just got my official shipping email and checked my box is Out for Delivery! Super excited hoping my mail guy comes soon since it seems hes running late today!
Yay! Now...send me your chocolate. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I just got my shipping conf. Says it left Sacramento on Saturday. Hmm. I wonder where it is since it hasn't updated?? I'd assume it'd be to San Diego by today if it departed Saturday!

Originally Posted by stephrae13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just got my shipping conf. Says it left Sacramento on Saturday. Hmm. I wonder where it is since it hasn't updated?? I'd assume it'd be to San Diego by today if it departed Saturday!
I'm hoping that's the case too, but it still takes like 3-5 business days even though post mail takes 1-2days. With any luck though, our boxes will come in by friday :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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