Originally Posted by
meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ack! I'll put the movie ramble behind a spoiler!
Oh, I loved _Dexter_! I kind of lost track of it after the Trinity Killer season, though. My life went sideways for a while, and I couldn't watch anything but more-or-less-absurd comedies (like the original British version of _The IT Crowd_) during that time, and I never quite got around to going back to _Dexter_. I should pick it back up.
And speaking of fun horror movies, I just got back from _John Dies at the End_. Oh, *so* bizarro. Loved it. It's kind of like the second season of _American Horror Story_ in the sense that if I try to explain the plot, it won't make any sense, but it was a whole lot of fun. It's definitely for people who liked _Bubba Ho-Tep_ and _Army of Darkness_ but thought they were a little too conventional and straightforward. Not having to pay for it made it even more enjoyable. If it's playing in your area, it's well worth watching, especially since the chances of people going to see it because it's the big movie that week are slim to none. It's really a movie intended solely for horror fans and the people who humor them. I hate watching horror movies with people who are there because it's the big movie that week and not because they actually *like* them. Unless you live in a city with an arthouse theatre (the one I went to regularly also features grindhouse and kung fu festivals, and then there's Hecklevision where you are encouraged to text snarky commentary during the movie, and messages are shown at the bottom of the screen as they come in. They're tight with the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, which I believe is where Hecklevision started), though, you might be out of luck, but I think you can rent it from Amazon for ten bucks.
(And last week, I saw _Warm Bodies_, which was Romero meets _Romeo_ with a happy ending and Rob Cordry, but there was one girl in the theatre who didn't seem to realize IT'S A COMEDY and shushed everyone whenever there was a punchline that caused laughter. It wasn't even uproarious laughter. It was just your average oh-hey-that's-funny chuckling that film editors pace films around I wanted to strangle her with her hair and ban her from seeing movies in theatrical settings ever again.)
I'll put my reply, under a spoiler, too!
Me, too!! OMG! It's so awesome to meet another woman who's not all gushy-drippy-gooey over romances and loves a damned good horror movie (or a really crappy schlocky one!)! NONE of the women I'm friends with locally understand my fascination with all that is gory and gross! <3
I live in a spring-break town with four college campuses ~ and not a single frickin' drafthouse or grindhouse nearby (but if you want bars or strip-clubs, we've got'em). I'd friggin' KILL for one. Give me a B-movie horror movie and I'm in heaven. Army of Darkness, Bubba-Ho-Tep, Evil Dead 1 & 2 ... my faves. But don't forget the classics: I Spit on Your Grave, Last House on the Left, TCM, and of course, the B&W, original version of Night of the Living Dead. <3 "I'm coming to get you, Barbara ... " Pure GENIUS.
I am so TOTALLY jonesing to see Warm Bodies. Normally, I love my zombie movies to be gory as hell with occasional wry, dark humour, but if they can make a good semi-romantic zombie movie with a zombie protagonist, I'm down for it.
And yeah, I'd have wanted to smack the idiotic chick in the theatre, too.
I'm going to see if I can find John Dies at the End. I've been loving American Horror ~ when I can frickin' find it on TV (usually have to resort to watching it on OnDemand 'cause I can never keep up with airing changes ~ Bastiges). A few friends (they're not even close to local :/) and I love to stream horror movies together (sort of like your Hecklevision ~ which is an AWESOME freakin' concept! Sorta like Mystery Science Theatre 3000!) and if we can swing it, we'll do that one! Thanks for the recommendation! <3
As for Dexter, that's prolly my fave show when it's on. Next season will be it's last (I mean, Dex can't keep killing forever, yannow) and I'm really bummed about it. Part of my fascination with it is the fact that MCH is hunky (don't ask me why). The other part is that I'm a former forensic psychologist and his particular mental disorder combination and his "code" are just ... fascinating. And as novel as you can get. I read the books and while the premise was brilliant, the writing itself was less so. So the tv show is about as awesome as it can possibly be.
I'm guessing that tomorrow night, you'll be glued to the **** tube watching The Walking Dead, too? The focus on the characters' emotional development is getting pretty tiresome (IMHO), since I mainly tune in for the zombies and for the sociological aspect of the show, but hey ... it's still got zombies. ,')
I'm sorry for rambling ~ and prolly sounding insane, but you've gotta understand: you're like a frickin' unicorn. A woman who appreciates make-up AND horror movies? Holy crap. You oughta be in a museum display of kewl oddities. <3
So. Yeah. REALLY nice to "meet" you.

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