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Jul 3, 2004
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a leave in or a regular conditioner put on your hair before you go swimming will help keep the chemicals from penetrating and altering your color. Also remember to rinse with fresh water as soon as you get out, and use a color safe conditioner. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I wouldn't use vaseline, because the oils in it are a PAIN to get out... !!!! I don't know what Egyptian Magic is ... sorry.... but any type of conditioner coated on will be fine. If you're in there for a long time, just rinse periodically to get everything off. Ultra Swim shampoo & conditioner is formulated for swimmers ... so if you have it in a nearby drugstore, you can use that as well :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Great advice! Thanks Janelle! I'll never forget the first I finally saw a girl come into the salon with green hair... I'd always heard the chemicals in pools can turn blonde hair green, but until that day, I never saw it... Okay, just a wee bit OT there! Sorry!


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