Pin Curl Set Attempted (Pics) forums

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Obsessed with lipstick
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
I am fairly new to the pin curl set, and I finally found some good old fashioned hair clips that seems to hold without leaving terrible dents in the curl. I have only tried this a handful of times and I am really happy with how my hair turned out today. The only problem is, rolling the curls is very time consuming and my arms started hurting halfway through, so I didn't get to finish the back of my hair! If someone has some good advice on how to roll these faster, I'd be so happy!!





The "S" curl is what I wanted and it what I ended up with. I had to wait with the pins in my hair for about 2 hours with damp hair. I didn't ruin my hair with a hot iron, which was nice, but there HAS to be an easier way to get these without rolling my hair between my fingers.

Does putting the hair up while it's still damp cause any damage to the hair?

Because, if not, I'd love to try this.

My mom used to do these on me when I was little but she bobby pinned them. It added a bit of zig zag to the look haha. She had to use less hair because mine was very long. It took forever and she would do it and then I slept it in overnight. It did look very pretty though.

BTW I like the blonde on you. Very pretty.

I'd love to do a tutorial, but the way my mom showed me to roll the hair is really, really hard and it took me hours to do it. I finally took the end of a screwdriver, rolled the hair around it, slipped it off, pushed the "O" ring against my head and put the clip on. hahah! You shouldn't damage your hair when doing this since there is no heat involved. Let me just say, the curls lasted THREE DAYS. I finally had to wash my hair!

I love it! I think girls look the prettiest with vintage hairstyles like this
I never appreciated the stringy long uncombed Kate Moss look - blah. The hair goes lovely with your classic face. I heard this same look can be achieved with "Hot Sticks" in 10 minutes. At first it comes out really curly, but you just have to brush through a couple of minutes.

Looks lovely, nice job. A good trick with this kind of style is to do it on day old hair. Freshly clean hair just doesn't have the hold in it as all the natural oils have been washed out. Also, blast the curls with a hair dryer to help the hair hold the shape better.

Looks great! I have naturally curly hair, so I don't know a thing about doing this, but this looks GREAT!

you should give rag curlers a try. You can buy them or make them. I bought a set a while back and it gave me the same result while giving me an easier way to do it.

So cute! I think they turned out great! I like your inventive use of the screw driver!


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