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How sad!! It is so hard to go through with the loved one...

Nice to see you online again Bethany

Originally Posted by Violet Since I last posted on here, one of my cats died.
She had kidney failure and had to be put down.

R.I.P. Fluff 1992-2005

This is a fun thread!

Here's Allie....she is 8 years old and the BEST girl ever!!

She loved to be cuddled, is very affectionate and listens to everything I say and wants to go everywhere I go. ( suddenly i feel as if i'm writing a personals ad ) Sorry the pics are a little blurry, they were taken with my cellphone.

It's pretty cool to get to see everybody's pets!!

Originally Posted by Jules123 This is a fun thread!
Here's Allie....she is 8 years old and the BEST girl ever!!

She loved to be cuddled, is very affectionate and listens to everything I say and wants to go everywhere I go. ( suddenly i feel as if i'm writing a personals ad ) Sorry the pics are a little blurry, they were taken with my cellphone.

It's pretty cool to get to see everybody's pets!!

OMG! She is just toooo adorable. I love the pretty face. I know she's a sweetie!
Originally Posted by Amethyst One of my three *babies* - lol :icon_love What a cutie! What's his name? Does he talk?
I want a bird again so bad!

Originally Posted by Amethyst One of my three *babies* - lol :icon_love What a cutie :icon_love
Ok first is my little girl Lexi. Then my little guys are as follows ....... Zaius, Fozzi, Gene & Grundy.

Originally Posted by Min Ok first is my little girl Lexi. Then my little guys are as follows ....... Zaius, Fozzi, Gene & Grundy. They're all so cute! I'm tabby crazy :icon_love
Heres Grundy going after Ricks food lol. I thought you all would get a kick out of this pic.

Thanks - yes this one is the most talkative out of the two parrots. He actually says "good morning" to me every single day when I go downstairs to make breakfast. He *yells* at my macaw (don't have a photo of her) when she acts up.

He yells at my other bird "Hey, get up there! Stop that! What am I going to DO with you!"

he's amazing!:icon_love

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Post pics of your pets here for us all to go, "Awwwww!" to.
My chihuahua, Mora.


I think this is the cutest chihuahua i've ever seen!
Originally Posted by eleinys Oh now you got me ! I love my Baby, he is my baby, there you go.That'sy ET, ET is his name (from the movie, yeah, but I didn't name him it was my boyfriend) Then me and him.

1- Attachment 5595 2- Attachment 5596

I have a movie of him singing but don't know how to post it

I can't see the pictures!
Originally Posted by iloveparis Our two dogs, Max and Tyler....

Everyone's pets look soooo cute

Both of your dogs are sooooo adorable. I love huskies and that other one must be a mix but whatever it is it is an ADORABLE mix!
Originally Posted by Naturally OY ...I have a few pix ...let's see:
Sable & Sundance in baskets, Kovu is biker guy and there's another pic of him, dog is Max (Pitbull), and Leo when he was a kitten (he's not so tiny now) I dont' have pix with me of the goats and all the outdoor kitties (LOTS of cats outdoors)

OMG Despite all that is said about them I LOOOOOVE pitbulls and he is no exception he is ADORABLE
Originally Posted by suzukigrrl Zoe, the pretty dog, and Griffin the trouble dog Aww griffin, trouble dogs always have to be adorable don't they? And zoe definitely is a pretty dog!
Originally Posted by spazbaby my handsome Bailey :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love Aww he looks so soft!
Originally Posted by MACGoddess All of your pets are SO CUTE!! Here is Rhys (turtle), Gwen (Silky Terrier), and Woodstock (white cat with orange spots).
I also included a cute pic I took of my mom's cat Simba, he is the orange long hair in the last pic.

Aww what an adorable yorkie is he a puppy?
Originally Posted by SmartStyle437
This is Henry he is my pride and joy, he rules the roost :icon_love He is 3 years old


This is Trixie she is a Beagle, Don't let her looks deceive you, she runs the yards when the cat is not outside lol.


This is Fancy, she is part German Shepherd and part Black Lab, she is the shy one.


This is Masayah, she is a Doberman. She is the clumsy one she is still tiring to grow into her legs, so jumping on things for her is still a task, yet fun for me to watch

Wow you have babies!
Originally Posted by Min Heres Grundy going after Ricks food lol. I thought you all would get a kick out of this pic. Thorn does things like that, cats are so rude but cute at the same time LOL
Originally Posted by Amethyst Thanks - yes this one is the most talkative out of the two parrots. He actually says "good morning" to me every single day when I go downstairs to make breakfast. He *yells* at my macaw (don't have a photo of her) when she acts up.
He yells at my other bird "Hey, get up there! Stop that! What am I going to DO with you!"

he's amazing!:icon_love

LOL and wow! What an amazing bird!

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