One hair growing in same place forums

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yah i know ....mine doesn't have to be realli long ... but i can still pull it out w/my nails/fingers .... it's realli thick , but smooth .. and comes out realli easy ... so gross though

Oh....I've got em too, hun!! I've got them on my ****s and I pluck them with tweezers. I always wondered if anyone else had the same problem.....We can be wierd together!!

Oh my, I get these! I have two on my chin that drive me CRAZY, but they are the thick plasticky kind like yours so I can feel them when they are still short and pluck them right away. I also noticed I get one single black hair on the underside of my arm near my elbow, and the rest of my arm hair is normal and light. It freaks me out.

I've seen them on other people, esp. the chin ones, and think, can't you SEE that? Argh, they drive me crazy, and if I feel one midday I keep rubbing at it and right when I get home I whip out the tweezers!

A friend and I just started waxing our chins for this reason. Paranoia! They're hard to see if they're fine and blonde (my facial hair is very light and thin) so I'm not taking any chances!

I'm so glad I found this thread because I have this really thin white/blond thread-like long hair that grows on the right side of my face on my upper cheek right next to my nose. It looks plastic-y, like a synthetic nylon thread. The weird thing is about my blond hair is that I'm asian. I though I was the only one with a weird hair, but I guess not.

Hi there, I just created an account so I can chime in on this thread. I get strange hairs too. But it's more common than you think, especially for women who are diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), which is something that I have. One of the symptoms of PCOS is higher levels of androgens, which is considered the "male" hormone (even though females naturally have some as well). The excess hair is just the annoying part. If you also have irregular cycles, you may want to talk to your doctor about PCOS. It's fairly common and while there is no cure, it's manageable. If you're at the age where you're trying to start a family, PCOS can also cause infertility, but there are things that can help with that too. I'm not saying to go diagnose yourself because of a weird hair, but if you have other things going on may be worth checking out so you don't find out in your 30's when you're trying to get pregnant (like I did).


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