You've got me thinking. I grew up being used to hearing lots of people called "ugly". I think that must contribute to my own esteem. My families' criticisms about others were really about themselves. But... a kid doesn't know that. Thanks for reminding me. We are never taught that it is ok to be ourselves. It's learned ... or not learned as the case may be. I don't expect a dog to be cute cause he already is except for those greyhound dogs ... Do you think they know how ugly they are? Just kidding. ... I feel like a hypocrite. Looks like one.. walks like one.. OMG! That's UGLY! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=--=
Originally Posted by GR8FISCH My sweetheart & I were watching tv on Sunday & an ad for extreme makeovers came on...his comment to the screen was "you think you're ugly because that's what you say." We have what we say, & when we listen to so much worldly opinion on what a perception of beauty is, to the exclusion of inner beauty, we do ourselves a lot of unnecessary pain & suffering. With as many body issues as I've had & overcome over the years, that simple observation made more sense than all the self-help books I've ever read. We don't look at a dog & expect it to look different or behave other than it can, or an infant or an injured person...yet our choice to say 'this or that is ugly' really talks more about who we are than the object of our opinion.