Oh. my. GOD

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Dec 7, 2006
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okay, i didn't share this for a while after it actually happened (last weekend) because it was so traumatic, i didn't want to think about it.

I decided to go through with the dreadlocks, and even though it's not hard to do, my friend screwed it up big time.

either she

1. was spiteful and got back at me for something i didn't even know i did (thats totally something she would do, but never to me in the past)

2. just had no fricken idea how to dread. she was seriously dread challenged

I rushed to my other friends' house to show her the afro lion mane nightmare. she was excited about me getting dreads, but even she had to agree that they needed to go! I hurried home and did a conditioner mask.

So now I'm avoiding friend1, hoping friend2 can help me redo it soon. lol

it was BAD. I knew she was just doing it wrong because I did a dread by myself and it's still there, all dreaded, fine even without the wax. Trust me, even though it looked horrible, I feel bad that she spent so much time on it. She was really flattered that I asked her to do it. She can dye hair, but cannot dread it!!!

I woulden't avoid her, im pretty sure it was just an accident. Just let her know before she goes on and does it on someone else. Hopefully your hair turns out the way you want it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Would you be brave enough to show us? Trust me, we've all had our share of hair nightmares!

I've already saved my 'do and brushed it all out. dont want to remember that nightmare.

lol that would just be using her own tactics. it would set off some kind of girl war

How do you know this was done on purpose? It really could have been a mistake, but then again, she could have told you after a few dreads that it didn't seem to be working out. It's best just to talk to her first.

thats the ultimate revenge^^..haha.. or would that be sleeping with her boyfriend:rotfl:

oh man....i think i would have cried my eyes out...but trust me...i've had my fair share of hair disasters...good luck!


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