Bringing you peace one war at a time
Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sooooo I have a confession to make
Over the past few days I have made 4 orders with Lush. Once everything gets here, I will have three tubes of gold fun, a santa's lip scrub, five shoot for the stars bath bombs, one snow fairy sparkle massage bar, three chunks of snowcake soap, two candy mountain bubble bars, two chunks of rockstar soap, a tub of r&b hair treatment, and one butter ball bath bomb. This ends up at a grand total of $119.78. So if you feel bad about going a little crazy with Lush products, just remember that there are people who go really crazy with it **points to self**. Just so I can rationalize this a little bit, I did pay for most of this with assorted gift cards (one $50 Lush and one $50 Visa). On the bright side, I am going to smell magical when all of this makes it's way to me.
I still beat you out in one order so don't feel bad either but to be fair mine will be split among the 3 person household, so it's not all for me
Sooooo I have a confession to make
I still beat you out in one order so don't feel bad either but to be fair mine will be split among the 3 person household, so it's not all for me