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Nov 28, 2006
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I'm getting my hair cut and coloured tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous as it's with a new hairdresser. I didn't like my last one and I have heard a lot of good things about this guy. I'm just trimming the hair, but think i will go for something different with my colour. From golden blonde to my natural colour a medium to dark blonde thats more neutral.

So, what is the best way to get what you want at the hairdresser? What do you say etc? Especially the first time as the hairdresser doesn't really know you yet.

Any advice?

I sometimes takes pictures out of magazines to show the hairdresser the kind of look or color I want for my hair. If you have heard good things about this person than I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Let us know how it goes.

I would also take pictures... since you want your natural color (or close) see if you have older photos with your hair that color. The more you communicate what you want, the more likely you are to get it. It's good that you are going to someone that you already know has a good reputation. You can also ask if he has any photos or a portfolio of his past work. Good Luck!

Hi guys. Thanks for your advice! I don't have any pictures to show exactly what I want, but made sure they put aside some time for us to talk about it. I hate feeling rushed at the beginnig of an appointment. As far as guy hairdressers - that's the thing - I HAVE had a bad experience, but fingers crossed this will not be one:xmas: if it is; I can just wear a santa hat for the rest of the month! Oh, and for my colour...I'll just point him in the direction of my regrowth!!

I personally wouldn't do a big job like that if this is a new hairdresser for you.

I feel a whole lot better once I see him or her working on someone else's hair first and then I make my decision to allow this person to even touch my hair but then again this is just the way that I am.

Good luck honey! I hope he is able to accomplish what you want. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm back with "new" hair!!!! I was nervous, but this guy is a 3 time Norwegian Champion at hairdressing, does work for different fashion mags, etc. and def knows his stuff, so that helped relax me:) This is also the first salon in Norway where I have seen GHD flat irons! AND...they sell them! I need to buy a new one and want this brand.

Anyway, I got a new colour (will add some pics when I have time) and it's a dark, slightly warm blonde w/ fine, fine lighter blond highlights (can't really see them as they just blend in). It IS a big change, but I was soooo ready for it. Might take some getting use to, but i can always change it back later. As for now, I LOVE IT:) The cut is great too. Not too much different there, just got some "fried" and dry bits cut off. All in all...I'm so going back to this guy, even if I paid more $$$ than I ever have before for colour and cut! (hubby nearly passed out when he found out the damage to the bank account)

Glad to know everything worked out for you! That's a huge relief when you get what you want!


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