My SoCal Trip pt.2 [Picture Heavy] forums

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Thanks, guys

i love the pictures Celly, you look so pretty and that food looks YUMMY!!!!

i want some, did you save me some?

i miss all that yumo food, quesadillas are you kidding me? they are the beeeest!! hm, when you have more of that please have some for me, me some haha, even if it goes moldy xD

all of them are awesome pictures and it looks like you had a blast...even though i read there that you didnt like your dad complaining so much lol

So okay where exactly is this Cuban restaurant cuz that food looks BOMB, I'm going to go (and free drinks at happy hour, uhhh YES PLEASE! lol). I'm glad you had a fun trip, your pics make me actually want to go to Universal, even though I don't like it much! But dannng those pics made me hungry and thirsty!

I really enjoyed looking at your vacation pcs. Btw, your mom is a very good looking woman

Haha thanks guys,

Yeh, my mom is young looking. She's 40 going on 41 and some lady that owned the Cuban restaurant befriended us and thought she was my sister. Haha.
